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phoenix_title ContextHelp

This class changes the cursor to a query and puts the application into a ‘context-sensitive help mode’.

When the user left-clicks on a window within the specified window, a wxEVT_HELP event is sent to that control, and the application may respond to it by popping up some help.

For example:

contextHelp = wx.ContextHelp(myWindow)

There are a couple of ways to invoke this behaviour implicitly:

  • Use the DIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP style for a dialog (Windows only). This will put a question mark in the titlebar, and Windows will put the application into context-sensitive help mode automatically, with further programming.
  • Create a ContextHelpButton, whose predefined behaviour is to create a context help object. Normally you will write your application so that this button is only added to a dialog for non-Windows platforms (use DIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP on Windows).

Note that on Mac OS X, the cursor does not change when in context-sensitive help mode.

See also

HelpEvent, HelpController, ContextHelpButton

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for class ContextHelp

Inheritance diagram of ContextHelp

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructs a context help object, calling BeginContextHelp if doNow is True (the default).
BeginContextHelp Puts the application into context-sensitive help mode.
EndContextHelp Ends context-sensitive help mode.

api Class API

class ContextHelp(Object)

This class changes the cursor to a query and puts the application into a ‘context-sensitive help mode’.

Possible constructors:

ContextHelp(window=None, doNow=True)


__init__(self, window=None, doNow=True)

Constructs a context help object, calling BeginContextHelp if doNow is True (the default).

If window is None, the top window is used.

  • window (Window) –
  • doNow (bool) –

BeginContextHelp(self, window)

Puts the application into context-sensitive help mode.

window is the window which will be used to catch events; if None, the top window will be used.

Returns True if the application was successfully put into context-sensitive help mode. This function only returns when the event loop has finished.

Parameters:window (Window) –
Return type:bool


Ends context-sensitive help mode.

Not normally called by the application.

Return type:bool