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phoenix_title Dialog

A dialog box is a window with a title bar and sometimes a system menu, which can be moved around the screen.

It can contain controls and other windows and is often used to allow the user to make some choice or to answer a question.

Dialogs can be made scrollable, automatically, for computers with low resolution screens: please see Automatic scrolling dialogs for further details.

Dialogs usually contains either a single button allowing to close the dialog or two buttons, one accepting the changes and the other one discarding them (such button, if present, is automatically activated if the user presses the “Esc” key). By default, buttons with the standard ID_OK and ID_CANCEL identifiers behave as expected. Starting with wxWidgets 2.7 it is also possible to use a button with a different identifier instead, see SetAffirmativeId and SetEscapeId.

Also notice that the CreateButtonSizer should be used to create the buttons appropriate for the current platform and positioned correctly (including their order which is platform-dependent).

phoenix_title Modal and Modeless

There are two kinds of dialog, modal and modeless. A modal dialog blocks program flow and user input on other windows until it is dismissed, whereas a modeless dialog behaves more like a frame in that program flow continues, and input in other windows is still possible. To show a modal dialog you should use the ShowModal method while to show a dialog modelessly you simply use Show, just as with frames. Note that the modal dialog is one of the very few examples of Window-derived objects which may be created on the stack and not on the heap. In other words, while most windows would be created like this:

def AskUser(self):

    dlg = MyAskDialog(self)

    if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
        # do something here
        print 'Hello'

    # else: dialog was cancelled or some another button pressed


You can achieve the same result with dialogs by using simpler code:

def AskUser(self):

    dlg = MyAskDialog(self)

    if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
        # do something here
        print 'Hello'

    # no need to call Destroy() here

styles Window Styles

An application can define a CloseEvent handler for the dialog to respond to system close events. This class supports the following styles:

  • CAPTION: Puts a caption on the dialog box.
  • DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE: Equivalent to a combination of CAPTION, CLOSE_BOX and SYSTEM_MENU (the last one is not used under Unix).
  • RESIZE_BORDER: Display a resizable frame around the window.
  • SYSTEM_MENU: Display a system menu.
  • CLOSE_BOX: Displays a close box on the frame.
  • MAXIMIZE_BOX: Displays a maximize box on the dialog.
  • MINIMIZE_BOX: Displays a minimize box on the dialog.
  • THICK_FRAME: Display a thick frame around the window.
  • STAY_ON_TOP: The dialog stays on top of all other windows.
  • NO_3D: This style is obsolete and doesn’t do anything any more, don’t use it in any new code.
  • DIALOG_NO_PARENT: By default, a dialog created with a None parent window will be given the application’s top level window as parent. Use this style to prevent this from happening and create an orphan dialog. This is not recommended for modal dialogs.
  • DIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP: Under Windows, puts a query button on the caption. When pressed, Windows will go into a context-sensitive help mode and wxWidgets will send a wxEVT_HELP event if the user clicked on an application window. Note that this is an extended style and must be set by calling SetExtraStyle before Create is called (two-step construction).
  • DIALOG_EX_METAL: On Mac OS X, frames with this style will be shown with a metallic look. This is an extra style.

Under Unix or Linux, MWM (the Motif Window Manager) or other window managers recognizing the MHM hints should be running for any of these styles to have an effect.

events Events Emitted by this Class

Handlers bound for the following event types will receive a CloseEvent parameter.

  • EVT_CLOSE: The dialog is being closed by the user or programmatically (see Window.Close ). The user may generate this event clicking the close button (typically the ‘X’ on the top-right of the title bar) if it’s present (see the CLOSE_BOX style) or by clicking a button with the ID_CANCEL or ID_OK ids.
  • EVT_INIT_DIALOG: Process a wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG event. See InitDialogEvent.

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for class Dialog

Inheritance diagram of Dialog

appearance Control Appearance







sub_classes Known Subclasses

ColourDialog, DirDialog, FileDialog, FindReplaceDialog, FontDialog, GenericProgressDialog, MessageDialog, MultiChoiceDialog, PropertySheetDialog, RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog, SingleChoiceDialog, SymbolPickerDialog, TextEntryDialog, Wizard

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default constructor.
AddMainButtonId Adds an identifier to be regarded as a main button for the non-scrolling area of a dialog.
CanDoLayoutAdaptation Returns True if this dialog can and should perform layout adaptation using DoLayoutAdaptation , usually if the dialog is too large to fit on the display.
Centre Centres the dialog box on the display.
Create Used for two-step dialog box construction.
CreateButtonSizer Creates a sizer with standard buttons.
CreateSeparatedButtonSizer Creates a sizer with standard buttons using CreateButtonSizer separated from the rest of the dialog contents by a horizontal StaticLine.
CreateSeparatedSizer Returns the sizer containing the given one with a separating StaticLine if necessarily.
CreateStdDialogButtonSizer Creates a StdDialogButtonSizer with standard buttons.
CreateTextSizer Splits text up at newlines and places the lines into StaticText objects in a vertical BoxSizer.
DoLayoutAdaptation Performs layout adaptation, usually if the dialog is too large to fit on the display.
EnableLayoutAdaptation A static function enabling or disabling layout adaptation for all dialogs.
EndModal Ends a modal dialog, passing a value to be returned from the ShowModal invocation.
GetAffirmativeId Gets the identifier of the button which works like standard OK button in this dialog.
GetContentWindow Override this to return a window containing the main content of the dialog.
GetEscapeId Gets the identifier of the button to map presses of ESC button to.
GetLayoutAdaptationDone Returns True if the dialog has been adapted, usually by making it scrollable to work with a small display.
GetLayoutAdaptationLevel Gets a value representing the aggressiveness of search for buttons and sizers to be in the non-scrolling part of a layout-adapted dialog.
GetLayoutAdaptationMode Gets the adaptation mode, overriding the global adaptation flag.
GetLayoutAdapter A static function getting the current layout adapter object.
GetMainButtonIds Returns an array of identifiers to be regarded as the main buttons for the non-scrolling area of a dialog.
GetReturnCode Gets the return code for this window.
Iconize Iconizes or restores the dialog.
IsIconized Returns True if the dialog box is iconized.
IsLayoutAdaptationEnabled A static function returning True if layout adaptation is enabled for all dialogs.
IsMainButtonId Returns True if id is in the array of identifiers to be regarded as the main buttons for the non-scrolling area of a dialog.
IsModal Returns True if the dialog box is modal, False otherwise.
SetAffirmativeId Sets the identifier to be used as OK button.
SetEscapeId Sets the identifier of the button which should work like the standard “Cancel” button in this dialog.
SetIcon Sets the icon for this dialog.
SetIcons Sets the icons for this dialog.
SetLayoutAdaptationDone Marks the dialog as having been adapted, usually by making it scrollable to work with a small display.
SetLayoutAdaptationLevel Sets the aggressiveness of search for buttons and sizers to be in the non-scrolling part of a layout-adapted dialog.
SetLayoutAdaptationMode Sets the adaptation mode, overriding the global adaptation flag.
SetLayoutAdapter A static function for setting the current layout adapter object, returning the old adapter.
SetReturnCode Sets the return code for this window.
Show Hides or shows the dialog.
ShowModal Shows an application-modal dialog.
ShowWindowModal Shows a dialog modal to the parent top level window only.

api Class API

class Dialog(TopLevelWindow)

A dialog box is a window with a title bar and sometimes a system menu, which can be moved around the screen.

Possible constructors:


Dialog(parent, id=ID_ANY, title='', pos=DefaultPosition,
       size=DefaultSize, style=DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, name=DialogNameStr)


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self)

Default constructor.

__init__ (self, parent, id=ID_ANY, title=’‘, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, name=DialogNameStr)


  • parent (Window) – Can be None, a frame or another dialog box.
  • id (int) – An identifier for the dialog. A value of -1 is taken to mean a default.
  • title (string) – The title of the dialog.
  • pos (Point) – The dialog position. The value DefaultPosition indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
  • size (Size) – The dialog size. The value DefaultSize indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
  • style (long) – The window style.
  • name (string) – Used to associate a name with the window, allowing the application user to set Motif resource values for individual dialog boxes.

See also


AddMainButtonId(self, id)

Adds an identifier to be regarded as a main button for the non-scrolling area of a dialog.

Parameters:id (int) –

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)


Returns True if this dialog can and should perform layout adaptation using DoLayoutAdaptation , usually if the dialog is too large to fit on the display.

Return type:bool

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)

Centre(self, direction=BOTH)

Centres the dialog box on the display.

Parameters:direction (int) – May be HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL or BOTH.

Create(self, parent, id=ID_ANY, title='', pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, name=DialogNameStr)

Used for two-step dialog box construction.

  • parent (Window) –
  • id (int) –
  • title (string) –
  • pos (Point) –
  • size (Size) –
  • style (long) –
  • name (string) –
Return type:


See also


CreateButtonSizer(self, flags)

Creates a sizer with standard buttons.

flags is a bit list of the following flags: OK, CANCEL, YES, NO, APPLY, CLOSE, HELP, NO_DEFAULT.

The sizer lays out the buttons in a manner appropriate to the platform.

This function uses CreateStdDialogButtonSizer internally for most platforms but doesn’t create the sizer at all for the platforms with hardware buttons (such as smartphones) for which it sets up the hardware buttons appropriately and returns None, so don’t forget to test that the return value is valid before using it.

Parameters:flags (long) –
Return type: Sizer

CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(self, flags)

Creates a sizer with standard buttons using CreateButtonSizer separated from the rest of the dialog contents by a horizontal StaticLine.

This is a combination of CreateButtonSizer and CreateSeparatedSizer .

Parameters:flags (long) –
Return type: Sizer


Just like CreateButtonSizer , this function may return None if no buttons were created.

CreateSeparatedSizer(self, sizer)

Returns the sizer containing the given one with a separating StaticLine if necessarily.

This function is useful for creating the sizer containing footer-like contents in dialog boxes. It will add a separating static line only if it conforms to the current platform convention (currently it is not added under Mac where the use of static lines for grouping is discouraged and is added elsewhere).

Parameters:sizer (Sizer) – The sizer to wrap, must be not None.
Return type: Sizer
Returns:The sizer wrapping the input one or possibly the input sizer itself if no wrapping is necessary.

New in version 2.9.2.

CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(self, flags)

Creates a StdDialogButtonSizer with standard buttons.

flags is a bit list of the following flags: OK, CANCEL, YES, NO, APPLY, CLOSE, HELP, NO_DEFAULT.

The sizer lays out the buttons in a manner appropriate to the platform.

Parameters:flags (long) –
Return type: StdDialogButtonSizer

CreateTextSizer(self, message)

Splits text up at newlines and places the lines into StaticText objects in a vertical BoxSizer.

Parameters:message (string) –
Return type: Sizer


Performs layout adaptation, usually if the dialog is too large to fit on the display.

Return type:bool

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)

static EnableLayoutAdaptation(enable)

A static function enabling or disabling layout adaptation for all dialogs.

Parameters:enable (bool) –

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)

EndModal(self, retCode)

Ends a modal dialog, passing a value to be returned from the ShowModal invocation.

Parameters:retCode (int) – The value that should be returned by ShowModal.


Gets the identifier of the button which works like standard OK button in this dialog.

Return type:int

See also



Override this to return a window containing the main content of the dialog.

This is particularly useful when the dialog implements pages, such as PropertySheetDialog, and allows the layout adaptation code to know that only the pages need to be made scrollable.

Return type: Window


Gets the identifier of the button to map presses of ESC button to.

Return type:int

See also



Returns True if the dialog has been adapted, usually by making it scrollable to work with a small display.

Return type:bool

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)


Gets a value representing the aggressiveness of search for buttons and sizers to be in the non-scrolling part of a layout-adapted dialog.

Zero switches off adaptation, and 3 allows search for standard buttons anywhere in the dialog.

Return type:int

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)


Gets the adaptation mode, overriding the global adaptation flag.

Return type: DialogLayoutAdaptationMode

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)

static GetLayoutAdapter()

A static function getting the current layout adapter object.

Return type: DialogLayoutAdapter

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)


Returns an array of identifiers to be regarded as the main buttons for the non-scrolling area of a dialog.

Return type:list of integers

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)


Gets the return code for this window.

Return type:int


A return code is normally associated with a modal dialog, where ShowModal returns a code to the application.

Iconize(self, iconize=True)

Iconizes or restores the dialog.

Windows only.

Parameters:iconize (bool) – If True, iconizes the dialog box; if False, shows and restores it.


Note that in Windows, iconization has no effect since dialog boxes cannot be iconized. However, applications may need to explicitly restore dialog boxes under Motif which have user-iconizable frames, and under Windows calling Iconize(false) will bring the window to the front, as does Show(true).


Returns True if the dialog box is iconized.

Windows only.

Return type:bool


Always returns False under Windows since dialogs cannot be iconized.

static IsLayoutAdaptationEnabled()

A static function returning True if layout adaptation is enabled for all dialogs.

Return type:bool

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)

IsMainButtonId(self, id)

Returns True if id is in the array of identifiers to be regarded as the main buttons for the non-scrolling area of a dialog.

Parameters:id (int) –
Return type:bool


Only available for MSW.

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)


Returns True if the dialog box is modal, False otherwise.

Return type:bool

SetAffirmativeId(self, id)

Sets the identifier to be used as OK button.

When the button with this identifier is pressed, the dialog calls Window.Validate and Window.TransferDataFromWindow and, if they both return True, closes the dialog with the affirmative id return code.

Also, when the user presses a hardware OK button on the devices having one or the special OK button in the PocketPC title bar, an event with this id is generated.

By default, the affirmative id is ID_OK.

Parameters:id (int) –

SetEscapeId(self, id)

Sets the identifier of the button which should work like the standard “Cancel” button in this dialog.

When the button with this id is clicked, the dialog is closed. Also, when the user presses ESC key in the dialog or closes the dialog using the close button in the title bar, this is mapped to the click of the button with the specified id.

By default, the escape id is the special value ID_ANY meaning that ID_CANCEL button is used if it’s present in the dialog and otherwise the button with GetAffirmativeId is used. Another special value for id is ID_NONE meaning that ESC presses should be ignored. If any other value is given, it is interpreted as the id of the button to map the escape key to.

Parameters:id (int) –

SetIcon(self, icon)

Sets the icon for this dialog.

Parameters:icon (Icon) – The icon to associate with this dialog.

See also


SetIcons(self, icons)

Sets the icons for this dialog.

Parameters:icons (IconBundle) – The icons to associate with this dialog.

See also


SetLayoutAdaptationDone(self, done)

Marks the dialog as having been adapted, usually by making it scrollable to work with a small display.

Parameters:done (bool) –

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)

SetLayoutAdaptationLevel(self, level)

Sets the aggressiveness of search for buttons and sizers to be in the non-scrolling part of a layout-adapted dialog.

Zero switches off adaptation, and 3 allows search for standard buttons anywhere in the dialog.

Parameters:level (int) –

See also

Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)

SetLayoutAdaptationMode(self, mode)

Sets the adaptation mode, overriding the global adaptation flag.

Parameters:mode (DialogLayoutAdaptationMode) –

See also

DialogLayoutAdaptationMode , Automatic scrolling dialogs (for more on layout adaptation)

static SetLayoutAdapter(adapter)

A static function for setting the current layout adapter object, returning the old adapter.

If you call this, you should delete the old adapter object.

Parameters:adapter (DialogLayoutAdapter) –
Return type: DialogLayoutAdapter

SetReturnCode(self, retCode)

Sets the return code for this window.

A return code is normally associated with a modal dialog, where ShowModal returns a code to the application. The function EndModal calls SetReturnCode .

Parameters:retCode (int) – The integer return code, usually a control identifier.

Show(self, show=1)

Hides or shows the dialog.

The preferred way of dismissing a modal dialog is to use EndModal .

Parameters:show (bool) – If True, the dialog box is shown and brought to the front, otherwise the box is hidden. If False and the dialog is modal, control is returned to the calling program.
Return type:bool


Shows an application-modal dialog.

Program flow does not return until the dialog has been dismissed with EndModal .

Notice that it is possible to call ShowModal for a dialog which had been previously shown with Show , this allows to make an existing modeless dialog modal. However ShowModal can’t be called twice without intervening EndModal calls.

Note that this function creates a temporary event loop which takes precedence over the application’s main event loop (see EventLoopBase) and which is destroyed when the dialog is dismissed. This also results in a call to App.ProcessPendingEvents .

Return type:int
Returns:The value set with SetReturnCode .


Shows a dialog modal to the parent top level window only.

Unlike ShowModal , dialogs shown with this function only prevent the user from interacting with their parent frame only but not with the rest of the application. They also don’t block the program execution but instead return immediately, as Show , and generate a wxEVT_WINDOW_MODAL_DIALOG_CLOSED event later when the dialog is closed.

Currently this function is only fully implemented in wxOSX ports, under the other platforms it behaves like ShowModal (but also sends the above mentioned event).

New in version 2.9.0.


__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)



See GetAffirmativeId and SetAffirmativeId


See GetContentWindow


See GetEscapeId and SetEscapeId


See GetLayoutAdaptationDone and SetLayoutAdaptationDone


See GetLayoutAdaptationLevel and SetLayoutAdaptationLevel


See GetLayoutAdaptationMode and SetLayoutAdaptationMode


See GetMainButtonIds


See GetReturnCode and SetReturnCode