.. module:: adv .. include:: headings.inc ========================================================================= **adv** Classes ========================================================================= This is an alphabetical listing of all the classes defined in the **adv** module, together with a brief description of them (if available). You can look up a class using the alphabetical listing of them. Class Summary ============= ================================================================================ ================================================================================ **Class** **Short Description** ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :ref:`adv.AboutDialogInfo` :ref:`adv.AboutDialogInfo` contains information shown in the standard `About` dialog displayed by the :func:`AboutBox` function. :ref:`adv.Animation` This class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent animation. :ref:`adv.AnimationCtrl` This is a static control which displays an animation. :ref:`adv.BannerWindow` A simple banner window showing either a bitmap or text. :ref:`adv.CalendarCtrl` The calendar control allows the user to pick a date. :ref:`adv.CalendarDateAttr` :ref:`adv.CalendarDateAttr` is a custom attributes for a calendar date. :ref:`adv.CalendarEvent` The :ref:`adv.CalendarEvent` class is used together with :ref:`adv.CalendarCtrl`. :ref:`adv.CommandLinkButton` Objects of this class are similar in appearance to the normal Buttons but are similar to the links in a web page in functionality. :ref:`adv.DateEvent` This event class holds information about a date change and is used together with :ref:`adv.DatePickerCtrl`. :ref:`adv.DatePickerCtrl` This control allows the user to select a date. :ref:`adv.DatePickerCtrlGeneric` This control allows the user to select a date. :ref:`adv.EditableListBox` An editable listbox is composite control that lets the user easily enter, delete and reorder a list of strings. :ref:`adv.ExtHelpController` This class implements help via an external browser. :ref:`adv.GenericCalendarCtrl` The calendar control allows the user to pick a date. :ref:`adv.HyperlinkCtrl` This class shows a static text element which links to an ``URL``. :ref:`adv.HyperlinkEvent` This event class is used for the events generated by :ref:`adv.HyperlinkCtrl`. :ref:`adv.Joystick` :ref:`adv.Joystick` allows an application to control one or more joysticks. :ref:`adv.NotificationMessage` This class allows to show the user a message non intrusively. :ref:`adv.Sound` This class represents a short sound (loaded from Windows ``WAV`` file), that can be stored in memory and played. :ref:`adv.SplashScreen` :ref:`adv.SplashScreen` shows a window with a thin border, displaying a bitmap describing your application. :ref:`adv.TaskBarIcon` This class represents a taskbar icon. :ref:`adv.TaskBarIconEvent` The event class used by :ref:`adv.TaskBarIcon`. :ref:`adv.TipProvider` This is the class used together with :func:`ShowTip` function. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: adv.AboutDialogInfo adv.Animation adv.AnimationCtrl adv.AnimationType.enumeration adv.BannerWindow adv.CalendarCtrl adv.CalendarDateAttr adv.CalendarDateBorder.enumeration adv.CalendarEvent adv.CalendarHitTestResult.enumeration adv.CommandLinkButton adv.DateEvent adv.DatePickerCtrl adv.DatePickerCtrlGeneric adv.EditableListBox adv.ExtHelpController adv.GenericCalendarCtrl adv.HyperlinkCtrl adv.HyperlinkEvent adv.Joystick adv.NotificationMessage adv.Sound adv.SplashScreen adv.TaskBarIcon adv.TaskBarIconEvent adv.TaskBarIconType.enumeration adv.TipProvider