.. include:: headings.inc .. module:: lib.agw.shapedbutton .. currentmodule:: lib.agw.shapedbutton .. highlight:: python .. _lib.agw.shapedbutton: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **shapedbutton** ========================================================================================================================================== `ShapedButton` tries to fill the lack of "custom shaped" controls in wxPython and it can be used to build round or elliptic-shaped buttons. Description =========== `ShapedButton` tries to fill the lack of "custom shaped" controls in wxPython (that depends on the same lack in wxWidgets). It can be used to build round buttons or elliptic buttons. I have stolen some code from :mod:`lib.buttons` in order to recreate the same classes (`GenButton`, `GenBitmapButton`, `GenBitmapTextButton`, `GenToggleButton`, `GenBitmapToggleButton`, `GenBitmapTextToggleButton`). Here you have the same classes (with "Gen" replaced by "S"), with the same event handling, but they are rounded/elliptical buttons. `ShapedButton` is based on a :class:`Window`, in which 2 images are drawn depending on the button state (pressed or not pressed). The 2 images have been stolen from Audacity (written with wxWidgets) and rearranged/reshaped/restyled using adobe PhotoShop. Changing the button colour in runtime was more difficult, but using some intelligent instruction from the PIL library it can be done. `ShapedButton` reacts on mouse events *only* if the mouse event occurred inside the circle/ellipse, even if `ShapedButton` is built on a rectangular window. This behavior is a lot different with respect to Audacity round buttons. Usage ===== Usage example:: import wx import wx.lib.agw.shapedbutton as SB class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "ShapedButton Demo") panel = wx.Panel(self) # Create 2 bitmaps for the button upbmp = wx.Bitmap("play.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) disbmp = wx.Bitmap("playdisabled.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) play = SB.SBitmapToggleButton(panel, -1, upbmp, (100, 50)) play.SetUseFocusIndicator(False) play.SetBitmapDisabled(disbmp) # our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual app = wx.App(0) frame = MyFrame(None) app.SetTopWindow(frame) frame.Show() app.MainLoop() The `ShapedButton` construction and usage is quite similar to the :mod:`lib.buttons` implementation. Methods and Settings ==================== With `ShapedButton` you can: - Create rounded/elliptical buttons/togglebuttons; - Set images for the enabled/disabled/focused/selected state of the button; - Draw the focus indicator (or disable it); - Set label colour and font; - Apply a rotation to the `ShapedButton` label; - Change `ShapedButton` shape and text orientation in runtime. .. note:: `ShapedButton` **requires** PIL (Python Imaging Library) library to be installed, which can be downloaded from http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ . Window Styles ============= `No particular window styles are available for this class.` Events Processing ================= This class processes the following events: ================= ================================================== Event Name Description ================= ================================================== ``EVT_BUTTON`` Process a `wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED` event, when the button is clicked. ================= ================================================== License And Version =================== `ShapedButton` is distributed under the wxPython license. Latest revision: Andrea Gavana @ 14 Mar 2012, 21.00 GMT Version 0.4 | |class_hierarchy| Inheritance Diagram ===================================== Inheritance diagram for module **shapedbutton** .. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram of shapedbutton

| |function_summary| Functions Summary ==================================== ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :func:`~lib.agw.shapedbutton.opj` Convert paths to the platform-specific separator. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |class_summary| Classes Summary =============================== ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :ref:`lib.agw.shapedbutton.__SToggleMixin` A mixin that allows to transform any of :class:`SButton`, :class:`SBitmapButton` and :ref:`lib.agw.shapedbutton.SBitmapButton` Subclass of :class:`SButton` which displays a bitmap, acting like a :ref:`lib.agw.shapedbutton.SBitmapTextButton` Subclass of :class:`SButton` which displays a bitmap and a label. :ref:`lib.agw.shapedbutton.SBitmapTextToggleButton` A `ShapedButton` toggle bitmap button with a text label. :ref:`lib.agw.shapedbutton.SBitmapToggleButton` A `ShapedButton` toggle bitmap button. :ref:`lib.agw.shapedbutton.SButton` This is the main implementation of `ShapedButton`. :ref:`lib.agw.shapedbutton.SButtonEvent` Event sent from the generic buttons when the button is activated. :ref:`lib.agw.shapedbutton.SToggleButton` A `ShapedButton` toggle button. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: lib.agw.shapedbutton.__SToggleMixin lib.agw.shapedbutton.SBitmapButton lib.agw.shapedbutton.SBitmapTextButton lib.agw.shapedbutton.SBitmapTextToggleButton lib.agw.shapedbutton.SBitmapToggleButton lib.agw.shapedbutton.SButton lib.agw.shapedbutton.SButtonEvent lib.agw.shapedbutton.SToggleButton Functions ------------ .. function:: opj(path) Convert paths to the platform-specific separator. :param `path`: the path to convert.