.. include:: headings.inc .. currentmodule:: lib.agw.xlsgrid .. highlight:: python .. _lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **XLSText** ========================================================================================================================================== This is a class which holds information about the cell content, in terms of actual cell value, font, text colour, alignment and formatting. | |class_hierarchy| Inheritance Diagram ===================================== Inheritance diagram for class **XLSText** .. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram of XLSText

| |sub_classes| Known Subclasses ============================== :class:`lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSRichText` | |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.__init__` Default class constructor. :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.CombineAttr` Combines the input attribute `attr` with the features of the :class:`XLSText` class. :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.CreateAlignment` Creates a suitable wxPython alignment flag for the text starting from a :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.CreateFont` Creates a suitable wxPython font starting from an Excel font. :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.CreateFormat` This method tries to guess the best format to apply to the current text :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.CreateTextColour` Creates a suitable wxPython colour for the text starting from a `xlrd` :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.Draw` Actually draws the text value on a grid cell. :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.FormatString` This method tries to guess the best format to apply to the current text :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.GetValue` Returns the string representation of the cell text value. :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.IsHyperLink` Returns whether the cell text is representing a hyperlink. :meth:`~lib.agw.xlsgrid.XLSText.SetupHyperlink` Sets up the cell text value in case it represents a hyperlink. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: XLSText(object) This is a class which holds information about the cell content, in terms of actual cell value, font, text colour, alignment and formatting. .. method:: __init__(self, book, cell, xf_index, display_text=None, hyperlink=None, default_width=10) Default class constructor. :param `book`: an instance of the `xlrd.Book` class; :param `cell`: an instance of `xlrd.sheet.Cell` class; :param `xf_index`: an index into `xlrd.Book.xf_list`, which holds a reference to the `xlrd.sheet.Cell` class (the actual cell for `xlrd`); :param `display_text`: if Mark Hammonds' `pywin32` package is available, this is the WYSIWYG cell content; :param `hyperlink`: if this cell contains a hyperlink, it will be displayed accordingly; :param `default_width`: this is the default width of the text in 1/256 of the width of the zero character, using default Excel font (first FONT record in the Excel file). .. note:: If you are using version 0.7.1 or lower for `xlrd`, the *hyperlink* parameter will always be ``None`` as this feature is available only in `xlrd` 0.7.2 (SVN). .. method:: CombineAttr(self, attr) Combines the input attribute `attr` with the features of the :class:`XLSText` class. :param `attr`: an instance of :class:`grid.GridCellAttr`. .. method:: CreateAlignment(self, alignment, default_width) Creates a suitable wxPython alignment flag for the text starting from a `xlrd` class representing this alignment. :param `alignment`: an instance of `xlrd.formatting.XFAlignment` class; :param `default_width`: this is the default width of the text in 1/256 of the width of the zero character, using default Excel font (first FONT record in the Excel file). .. method:: CreateFont(self, font) Creates a suitable wxPython font starting from an Excel font. :param `font`: an instance of `xlrd.formatting.Font` class. .. note:: There is currently no support for strikethrough fonts, although `xlrd` correctly reports this format. The issue is a bug in wxWidgets itself which doesn't allow the creation of strikethrough fonts. See (http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/9907). .. method:: CreateFormat(self, format, cell, datemode) This method tries to guess the best format to apply to the current text value. :param `format`: an instance of `xlrd.formatting.Format` class; :param `cell`: an instance of `xlrd.sheet.Cell` class; :param `datemode`: the datemode associated with this Excel workbook. .. note:: This method is used only if Mark Hammonds' `pywin32` package is not available to try and format the cell text in an intelligent way. .. warning:: The formatting applied by this method is severely limited; for instance, you won't probably get the exact WYSIWYG between the Excel spreadsheet and :class:`XLSGrid`. .. method:: CreateTextColour(self, text_colour) Creates a suitable wxPython colour for the text starting from a `xlrd` tuple representing this colour. :param `text_colour`: a tuple representing the RGB components of the colour. If `text_colour` is ``None``, use the default ``SYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT`` . .. method:: Draw(self, dc, rect) Actually draws the text value on a grid cell. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`DC`; :param `rect`: an instance of :class:`Rect`, representing the cell rectangle. .. method:: FormatString(self, value, isDate, format_str) This method tries to guess the best format to apply to the current text value. :param `value`: the actual raw cell text value; :param `isDate`: ``True`` if this value represents a `xlrd` date object, ``False`` otherwise; :param `format_str`: the actual formatting string as extracted from Excel. .. note:: This method is used only if Mark Hammonds' `pywin32` package is not available to try and format the cell text in an intelligent way. .. warning:: The formatting applied by this method is severely limited; for instance, you won't probably get the exact WYSIWYG between the Excel spreadsheet and :class:`XLSGrid`. .. method:: GetValue(self) Returns the string representation of the cell text value. .. method:: IsHyperLink(self) Returns whether the cell text is representing a hyperlink. :returns: ``True`` if the cell text represents a hyperlink, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: SetupHyperlink(self, hyperlink) Sets up the cell text value in case it represents a hyperlink. :param `hyperlink`: an instance of `xlrd.sheet.hyperlink`. .. note:: If you are using version 0.7.1 or lower for `xlrd`, the *hyperlink* parameter will always be ``None`` as this feature is available only in `xlrd` 0.7.2 (SVN).