.. include:: headings.inc .. _py: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **py** ========================================================================================================================================== The py package, formerly the PyCrust package. |module_summary| Modules Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :mod:`~py.buffer` Buffer class. :mod:`~py.crust` Crust combines the shell and filling into one control. :mod:`~py.crustslices` PySlices combines the slices and filling into one control. :mod:`~py.dispatcher` Provides global signal dispatching services. :mod:`~py.document` Document class. :mod:`~py.editor` PyAlaCarte and PyAlaMode editors. :mod:`~py.editwindow` EditWindow class. :mod:`~py.filling` Filling is the gui tree control through which a user can navigate :mod:`~py.frame` Base frame with menu. :mod:`~py.images` Support for icons. :mod:`~py.interpreter` Interpreter executes Python commands. :mod:`~py.introspect` Provides a variety of introspective-type support functions for :mod:`~py.magic` magic.py is a utility that allows a simple line from the interpreter :mod:`~py.parse` parse.py is a utility that allows simple checking for line continuations :mod:`~py.path` path.py is a utility containing some very simple path utilities for Py to use :mod:`~py.pseudo` Provides a variety of classes to create pseudo keywords and pseudo files. :mod:`~py.PyAlaCarte` PyAlaCarte is a simple programmer's editor. :mod:`~py.PyAlaMode` PyAlaMode is a programmer's editor. :mod:`~py.PyAlaModeTest` PyAlaModeTest is a programmer's editor. :mod:`~py.PyCrust` PyCrust is a python shell and namespace browser application. :mod:`~py.PyFilling` PyFilling is a python namespace inspection application. :mod:`~py.PyShell` PyShell is a python shell application. :mod:`~py.PySlices` PySlices is a python block code editor / shell and namespace browser application. :mod:`~py.PySlicesShell` PySlicesShell is a python shell application. :mod:`~py.PyWrap` PyWrap is a command line utility that runs a wxPython program with :mod:`~py.shell` Shell is an interactive text control in which a user types in :mod:`~py.sliceshell` Slices is an interactive text control in which a user types in :mod:`~py.version` Provides an object representing the current 'version' or 'release' ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: py.buffer py.crust py.crustslices py.dispatcher py.document py.editor py.editwindow py.filling py.frame py.images py.interpreter py.introspect py.magic py.parse py.path py.pseudo py.PyAlaCarte py.PyAlaMode py.PyAlaModeTest py.PyCrust py.PyFilling py.PyShell py.PySlices py.PySlicesShell py.PyWrap py.shell py.sliceshell py.version