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phoenix_title aui

AUI is an Advanced User Interface library that aims to implement “cutting-edge” interface usability and design features so developers can quickly and easily create beautiful and usable application interfaces.

Vision and Design Principles

AUI attempts to encapsulate the following aspects of the user interface:

  • Frame Management: Frame management provides the means to open, move and hide common controls that are needed to interact with the document, and allow these configurations to be saved into different perspectives and loaded at a later time.
  • Toolbars: Toolbars are a specialized subset of the frame management system and should behave similarly to other docked components. However, they also require additional functionality, such as “spring-loaded” rebar support, “chevron” buttons and end-user customizability.
  • Modeless Controls: Modeless controls expose a tool palette or set of options that float above the application content while allowing it to be accessed. Usually accessed by the toolbar, these controls disappear when an option is selected, but may also be “torn off” the toolbar into a floating frame of their own.
  • Look and Feel: Look and feel encompasses the way controls are drawn, both when shown statically as well as when they are being moved. This aspect of user interface design incorporates “special effects” such as transparent window dragging as well as frame animation.

AUI adheres to the following principles:

  • Use native floating frames to obtain a native look and feel for all platforms;
  • Use existing wxPython code where possible, such as sizer implementation for frame management;
  • Use standard wxPython coding conventions.


The following example shows a simple implementation that uses framemanager.AuiManager to manage three text controls in a frame window:

import wx
import wx.lib.agw.aui as aui

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, title="AUI Test", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
                 size=(800, 600), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):

        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)

        self._mgr = aui.AuiManager()

        # notify AUI which frame to use

        # create several text controls
        text1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Pane 1 - sample text",
                            wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
                            wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)

        text2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Pane 2 - sample text",
                            wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
                            wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)

        text3 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Main content window",
                            wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
                            wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)

        # add the panes to the manager
        self._mgr.AddPane(text1, AuiPaneInfo().Left().Caption("Pane Number One"))
        self._mgr.AddPane(text2, AuiPaneInfo().Bottom().Caption("Pane Number Two"))
        self._mgr.AddPane(text3, AuiPaneInfo().CenterPane())

        # tell the manager to "commit" all the changes just made

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)

    def OnClose(self, event):

        # deinitialize the frame manager


# our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual

app = wx.App(0)

frame = MyFrame(None)


What’s New

Current wxAUI Version Tracked: wxWidgets 2.9.2 (SVN HEAD)

The wxPython AUI version fixes the following bugs or implement the following missing features (the list is not exhaustive):

Plus the following features:

  • AuiManager:
    1. Implementation of a simple minimize pane system: Clicking on this minimize button causes a new AuiToolBar to be created and added to the frame manager, (currently the implementation is such that panes at West will have a toolbar at the right, panes at South will have toolbars at the bottom etc...) and the pane is hidden in the manager. Clicking on the restore button on the newly created toolbar will result in the toolbar being removed and the original pane being restored;
    2. Panes can be docked on top of each other to form AuiNotebooks; AuiNotebooks tabs can be torn off to create floating panes;
    3. On Windows XP, use the nice sash drawing provided by XP while dragging the sash;
    4. Possibility to set an icon on docked panes;
    5. Possibility to draw a sash visual grip, for enhanced visualization of sashes;
    6. Implementation of a native docking art (ModernDockArt). Windows XP only, requires Mark Hammond’s pywin32 package (winxptheme);
    7. Possibility to set a transparency for floating panes (a la Paint .NET);
    8. Snapping the main frame to the screen in any positin specified by horizontal and vertical alignments;
    9. Snapping floating panes on left/right/top/bottom or any combination of directions, a la Winamp;
    10. “Fly-out” floating panes, i.e. panes which show themselves only when the mouse hover them;
    11. Ability to set custom bitmaps for pane buttons (close, maximize, etc...);
    12. Implementation of the style AUI_MGR_ANIMATE_FRAMES, which fade-out floating panes when they are closed (all platforms which support frames transparency) and show a moving rectangle when they are docked and minimized (Windows < Vista and GTK only);
    13. A pane switcher dialog is available to cycle through existing AUI panes;
    14. Some flags which allow to choose the orientation and the position of the minimized panes;
    15. The functions [Get]MinimizeMode() in AuiPaneInfo which allow to set/get the flags described above;
    16. Events like EVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKING, EVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKED, EVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATING and EVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATED are available for all panes except toolbar panes;
    17. Implementation of the RequestUserAttention method for panes;
    18. Ability to show the caption bar of docked panes on the left instead of on the top (with caption text rotated by 90 degrees then). This is similar to what wxDockIt did. To enable this feature on any given pane, simply call CaptionVisible(True, left=True);
    19. New Aero-style docking guides: you can enable them by using the AuiManager style AUI_MGR_AERO_DOCKING_GUIDES;
    20. A slide-in/slide-out preview of minimized panes can be seen by enabling the AuiManager style AUI_MGR_PREVIEW_MINIMIZED_PANES and by hovering with the mouse on the minimized pane toolbar tool;
    21. New Whidbey-style docking guides: you can enable them by using the AuiManager style AUI_MGR_WHIDBEY_DOCKING_GUIDES;
    22. Native of custom-drawn mini frames can be used as floating panes, depending on the AUI_MGR_USE_NATIVE_MINIFRAMES style;
    23. A “smooth docking effect” can be obtained by using the AUI_MGR_SMOOTH_DOCKING style (similar to PyQT docking style).

  • AuiNotebook:
    1. Implementation of the style AUI_NB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB, a la lib.agw.flatnotebook;
    2. Implementation of the style AUI_NB_SMART_TABS, a la lib.agw.flatnotebook;
    3. Implementation of the style AUI_NB_USE_IMAGES_DROPDOWN, which allows to show tab images on the tab dropdown menu instead of bare check menu items (a la lib.agw.flatnotebook);
    4. 6 different tab arts are available, namely:
      1. Default “glossy” theme (as in AuiNotebook)
      2. Simple theme (as in AuiNotebook)
      3. Firefox 2 theme
      4. Visual Studio 2003 theme (VC71)
      5. Visual Studio 2005 theme (VC81)
      6. Google Chrome theme
    5. Enabling/disabling tabs;
    6. Setting the colour of the tab’s text;
    7. Implementation of the style AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_TAB_LEFT, which draws the tab close button on the left instead of on the right (a la Camino browser);
    8. Ability to save and load perspectives in AuiNotebook (experimental);
    9. Possibility to add custom buttons in the AuiNotebook tab area;
    10. Implementation of the style AUI_NB_TAB_FLOAT, which allows the floating of single tabs. Known limitation: when the notebook is more or less full screen, tabs cannot be dragged far enough outside of the notebook to become floating pages;
    11. Implementation of the style AUI_NB_DRAW_DND_TAB (on by default), which draws an image representation of a tab while dragging;
    12. Implementation of the AuiNotebook unsplit functionality, which unsplit a splitted AuiNotebook when double-clicking on a sash;
    13. Possibility to hide all the tabs by calling HideAllTAbs;
    14. wxPython controls can now be added inside page tabs by calling AddControlToPage, and they can be removed by calling RemoveControlFromPage;
    15. Possibility to preview all the pages in a AuiNotebook (as thumbnails) by using the NotebookPreview method of AuiNotebook;
    16. Tab labels can be edited by calling the SetRenamable method on a AuiNotebook page;
    17. Support for multi-lines tab labels in AuiNotebook;
    18. Support for setting minimum and maximum tab widths for fixed width tabs;
    19. Implementation of the style AUI_NB_ORDER_BY_ACCESS, which orders the tabs by last access time inside the Tab Navigator dialog;
    20. Implementation of the style AUI_NB_NO_TAB_FOCUS, allowing the developer not to draw the tab focus rectangle on tne AuiNotebook tabs.

  • AuiToolBar:
    1. AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND style that allows to easy setup a plain background to the AUI toolbar, without the need to override drawing methods. This style contrasts with the default behaviour of the AuiToolBar that draws a background gradient and this break the window design when putting it within a control that has margin between the borders and the toolbar (example: put AuiToolBar within a StaticBoxSizer that has a plain background);
    2. AuiToolBar allow item alignment:;
    3. AUIToolBar DrawButton() improvement:;
    4. AuiToolBar automatically assign new id for tools:;
    5. AuiToolBar Allow right-click on any kind of button:;
    6. AuiToolBar idle update only when visible:;
    7. Ability of creating AuiToolBar tools with [counter]clockwise rotation. This allows to propose a variant of the minimizing functionality with a rotated button which keeps the caption of the pane as label;
    8. Allow setting the alignment of all tools in a toolbar that is expanded;
    9. Implementation of the AUI_MINIMIZE_POS_TOOLBAR flag, which allows to minimize a pane inside an existing toolbar. Limitation: if the minimized icon in the toolbar ends up in the overflowing items (i.e., a menu is needed to show the icon), this style will not work.


  • Documentation, documentation and documentation;
  • Fix tabmdi.AuiMDIParentFrame and friends, they do not work correctly at present;
  • Allow specification of CaptionLeft() to AuiPaneInfo to show the caption bar of docked panes on the left instead of on the top (with caption text rotated by 90 degrees then). This is similar to what wxDockIt did - DONE;
  • Make developer-created AuiNotebooks and automatic (framemanager-created) AuiNotebooks behave the same way (undocking of tabs) - DONE, to some extent;
  • Find a way to dock panes in already floating panes (AuiFloatingFrames), as they already have their own AuiManager;
  • Add more gripper styles (see, i.e., PlusDock 4.0);
  • Add an “AutoHide” feature to docked panes, similar to fly-out floating panes (see, i.e., PlusDock 4.0);
  • Add events for panes when they are about to float or to be docked (something like EVT_AUI_PANE_FLOATING/ED and EVT_AUI_PANE_DOCKING/ED) - DONE, to some extent;
  • Implement the 4-ways splitter behaviour for horizontal and vertical sashes if they intersect;
  • Extend with more aui tab arts;
  • Implement AUI_NB_LEFT and AUI_NB_RIGHT tab locations in AuiNotebook;
  • Move AuiDefaultToolBarArt into a separate module (as with and and provide more arts for toolbars (maybe from lib.agw.flatmenu?)
  • Support multiple-rows/multiple columns toolbars;
  • Integrate as much as possible with lib.agw.flatmenu, from dropdown menus in AuiNotebook to toolbars and menu positioning;
  • Possibly handle minimization of panes in a different way (or provide an option to switch to another way of minimizing panes);
  • Clean up/speed up the code, especially time-consuming for-loops;
  • Possibly integrate wxPyRibbon (still on development), at least on Windows.

License And Version

AUI library is distributed under the wxPython license.

Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 01 Apr 2012, 11.00 GMT

Version 1.3.

module_summary Modules Summary

aui_constants This module contains all the constants used by wxPython-AUI.
aui_switcherdialog Description
aui_utilities This module contains some common functions used by lib.agw.aui to
auibar contains an implementation of AuiToolBar, which is a completely owner-drawn
auibook contains a notebook control which implements many features common in
dockart Dock art provider code - a dock provider provides all drawing functionality to
framemanager Description
tabart Tab art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to