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phoenix_title bar

Top-level control in a ribbon user interface.


Serves as a tabbed container for RibbonPage - a ribbon user interface typically has a ribbon bar, which contains one or more RibbonPages, which in turn each contains one or more RibbonPanels, which in turn contain controls. While a RibbonBar has tabs similar to a Notebook, it does not follow the same API for adding pages. Containers like Notebook can contain any type of window as a page, hence the normal procedure is to create the sub-window and then call BookCtrlBase.AddPage ().

As RibbonBar can only have RibbonPage as children (and a RibbonPage can only have a RibbonBar as parent), when a page is created, it is automatically added to the bar - there is no AddPage equivalent to call.

After all pages have been created, and all controls and panels placed on those pages, meth:Realize must be called.

Window Styles

This class supports the following window styles:

Window Styles Hex Value Description
RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_LABELS 0x1 Causes labels to be shown on the tabs in the ribbon bar.
RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PAGE_ICONS 0x2 Causes icons to be shown on the tabs in the ribbon bar.
RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_HORIZONTAL 0x0 Causes panels within pages to stack horizontally.
RIBBON_BAR_FLOW_VERTICAL 0x4 Causes panels within pages to stack vertically.
RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PANEL_EXT_BUTTONS 0x8 Causes extension buttons to be shown on panels (where the panel has such a button).
RIBBON_BAR_SHOW_PANEL_MINIMISE_BUTTONS 0x10 Causes minimise buttons to be shown on panels (where the panel has such a button).
RIBBON_BAR_ALWAYS_SHOW_TABS 0x20 Always shows the tabs area even when only one tab is added.

Events Processing

This class processes the following events:

Event Name Description
EVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGED Triggered after the transition from one page being active to a different page being active.
EVT_RIBBONBAR_PAGE_CHANGING Triggered prior to the transition from one page being active to a different page being active, and can veto the change.
EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN Triggered when the middle mouse button is pressed on a tab.
EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_MIDDLE_UP Triggered when the middle mouse button is released on a tab.
EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN Triggered when the right mouse button is pressed on a tab.
EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_RIGHT_UP Triggered when the right mouse button is released on a tab.
EVT_RIBBONBAR_TAB_LEFT_DCLICK Triggered when the user double-clicks on a tab.

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for module bar

Inheritance diagram of bar

function_summary Functions Summary


class_summary Classes Summary

RibbonBar Top-level control in a ribbon user interface.
RibbonBarEvent Event used to indicate various actions relating to a RibbonBar.


SET_FLAG(variable, flag)

UNSET_FLAG(variable, flag)