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phoenix_title buttonbar

A ribbon button bar is similar to a traditional toolbar.


It contains one or more buttons (button bar buttons, not Button), each of which has a label and an icon. It differs from a toolbar in several ways:

  • Individual buttons can grow and contract.
  • Buttons have labels as well as bitmaps.
  • Bitmaps are typically larger (at least 32x32 pixels) on a button bar compared to a tool bar (which typically has 16x15).
  • There is no grouping of buttons on a button bar
  • A button bar typically has a border around each individual button, whereas a tool bar typically has a border around each group of buttons.

Events Processing

This class processes the following events:

Event Name Description
EVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_CLICKED Triggered when the normal (non-dropdown) region of a button on the button bar is clicked.
EVT_RIBBONBUTTONBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED Triggered when the dropdown region of a button on the button bar is clicked. RibbonButtonBarEvent.PopupMenu() should be called by the event handler if it wants to display a popup menu (which is what most dropdown buttons should be doing).

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for module buttonbar

Inheritance diagram of buttonbar

class_summary Classes Summary

RibbonButtonBar A ribbon button bar is similar to a traditional toolbar.
RibbonButtonBarEvent Event used to indicate various actions relating to a button on a RibbonButtonBar.