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phoenix_title langlistctrl

ListCtrl and functions to display languages and the flags of their countries

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for module langlistctrl

Inheritance diagram of langlistctrl

function_summary Functions Summary

BuildLanguageCountryMapping Builds a mapping of language ids to LANG_COUNTRY codes
CreateLanguagesResourceLists Returns a tuple of (bitmaps, language descriptions, language ids)
GetLanguageFlag Returns a bitmap of the flag for the country of the language id
GetWxIdentifierForLanguage Returns the language id as a string

class_summary Classes Summary

LanguageListCtrl wx.ListCtrl derived control that displays languages and flags



Builds a mapping of language ids to LANG_COUNTRY codes

CreateLanguagesResourceLists(filter=LC_AVAILABLE, only=())

Returns a tuple of (bitmaps, language descriptions, language ids)


Returns a bitmap of the flag for the country of the language id


Returns the language id as a string