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phoenix_title pubsub

The publish-subscribe package is called pubsub. It provides the following modules:

  • pub: pubsub’s main module. It provides, first and foremost, functions for sending messages and subscribing listeners. It provides functions and classes for tracking pubsub usage, handling exceptions in listeners, specificying topics, and various others.
  • utils: subpackage of utility functions and classes, it provides basic pubsub usage trackers, exception handlers, topic tree printer, and more. These can also serve as examples of how to create your own trackers/handlers/etc.

A few other modules inside pubsub are specific to configuring the pubsub API and must be used only ONCE in an application:

  • setupkwargs: module to setup pubsub to use “kwargs” messaging protocol of the Argspec API. This API and protocol are the default so it is not usually necessary to use setupkwargs.
  • setupv1: (deprecated) module to force pubsub to use the legacy “version 1” (aka v1) API. Should only be useful to wxPython users for legacy code.
  • setuparg1: module to setup pubsub to use “arg1” messaging protocol of the Argspec API. This supports the same messaging semantics as legacy API but with the Argspec API, useful when transitioning an application from legacy to Argspec API.

package_summary Packages Summary

core Core package of pubsub, holding the publisher, listener, and topic
pubsub1 This __init__ file is present to help with certain non-standard uses

module_summary Modules Summary

pub Provides “version 1” of pubsub’s publish-subscribe API.
pubsubconf Configuration of pubsub API to use either the arg1 or kwargs
setuparg1 Import this file before the first ‘from pubsub import pub’ statement
setupkwargs Import this file before the first ‘from pubsub import pub’ statement
setupv1 Import this file before the first ‘from pubsub import pub’ statement
setupv2 Import this file before the first ‘from pubsub import pub’ statement
sphinx Sphinx autodoc requires direct import of
utils There are no utilities supported for legacy v1 of pubsub.