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phoenix_title PyShellInput

PyShell input window

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for class PyShellInput

Inheritance diagram of PyShellInput

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Create input window
Clear reset input state
OnChar called on CHARevent. executes input on newline

api Class API

class PyShellInput(Panel)

PyShell input window


__init__(self, parent, shell, id=-1)

Create input window

shell must be a PyShell object. it is used for exception handling, eval() namespaces, and shell.output is used for output (print’s go to overridden stdout)

Clear(self, event=None)

reset input state

OnChar(self, event)

called on CHARevent. executes input on newline

OnSetFocus(self, event)