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phoenix_title style_editor

Provides an editor dialog for graphically editing how the text is presented in the editor when syntax highlighting is turned on. It does this by taking the data from the controls and formating it into an Editra Style Sheet that the editor can load to configure the styles of the text.

Summary: Gui for creating custom Editra Style Sheets

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for module style_editor

Inheritance diagram of style_editor

function_summary Functions Summary

DuplicateStyleDict Duplicates the style dictionary to make a true copy of
UpdateBufferStyles Update the style used in all buffers

class_summary Classes Summary

PreviewPanel Panel to hold the preview window and selector
SettingsPanel Panel holding all settings controls for changing the font,
StyleEditor This class creates the window that contains the controls
StyleEditorBox StyleEditor main Panel
StyleEditorPanel Main panel for the editor portion of the StyleEditor



Duplicates the style dictionary to make a true copy of it, as simply assigning the dictionary to two different variables only copies a reference leaving both variables pointing to the same object.

Parameters:style_dict – dictionary of tags->StyleItems
Returns:a copy of the given styleitem dictionary


Update the style used in all buffers

Parameters:sheet – Style sheet to use