
Inheritance diagram for wx.PaintDC:


A wx.PaintDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from within an OnPaint event. This should normally be constructed as a temporary stack object; don’t store a wx.PaintDC object.

Using wx.PaintDC within OnPaint is important because it automatically sets the clipping area to the damaged area of the window. Attempts to draw outside this area do not appear.

To draw on a window from outside OnPaint, construct a wx.ClientDC object.

To draw on the whole window including decorations, construct a wx.WindowDC object (Windows only).


If you have an OnPaint handler, you must create a wx.PaintDC object within it even if you don’t actually use it.

Derived From

Methods Summary

Class API



Constructor. Pass the window on which you wish to paint.


