********************** wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC ********************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC | Description =========== This `wx.DC `_ derivative can be used inside of an `OnPaint()` event handler to achieve double-buffered drawing. Just create an object of this class instead of `wx.PaintDC `_ and make sure `wx.Window.SetBackgroundStyle `_ is called with ``wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM`` somewhere in the class initialization code, and that's all you have to do to (mostly) avoid flicker. The difference between `wx.BufferedPaintDC `_ and this class, is the lightweigthness - on platforms which have native double-buffering, `wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC` is simply a typedef of `wx.PaintDC`. Otherwise, it is a typedef of `wx.BufferedPaintDC`. .. seealso:: `wx.DC `_ , `wx.BufferedPaintDC `_ Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.BufferedPaintDC `_ * `wx.PaintDC `_ * `wx.DC `_ * `wx.Object `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(win) If the current platform double buffers by default then this DC is the same as a plain `wx.PaintDC `_, otherwise it is a `wx.BufferedPaintDC `_ . **Parameters:** * `win` (`wx.Window `_) | **Returns:** `wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC `_