************ wx.DCClipper ************ Inheritance diagram for `wx.DCClipper`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.DCClipper | Description =========== `wx.DCClipper` is a small helper class for setting a clipping region on a `wx.DC `_ and unsetting it automatically. An object of `wx.DCClipper` class is typically created on the stack so that it is automatically destroyed when the object goes out of scope. A typical usage example:: def DrawSomething(dc): # Build a wx.DCClipper clip = wx.DCClipper(rect) # Drawing functions here are affected by clipping rect DrawOtherThings(dc) .. seealso:: `wx.DC.SetClippingRegion `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(dc, r) | Class constructors: __init__(self, dc, `wx.Region `_ r) __init__(self, dc, `wx.Rect `_ r) __init__(self, dc, x, y, width, height) `wx.DCClipper` sets the DC's clipping region when it is constructed, and then automatically destroys the clipping region when the clipper goes out of scope. | **Returns:** `wx.DCClipper `_