*************** wx.PyDropTarget *************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.PyDropTarget`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.PyDropTarget | Description =========== Proxy of C++ DropTarget class. See `wx.DropTarget `_ for the documentation. Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.DropTarget `_ Known Subclasses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `wx.FileDropTarget `_, `wx.TextDropTarget `_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `GetData <#GetData>`_ * `GetDataObject <#GetDataObject>`_ * `GetDefaultAction <#GetDefaultAction>`_ * `OnDragOver <#OnDragOver>`_ * `OnDrop <#OnDrop>`_ * `OnEnter <#OnEnter>`_ * `OnLeave <#OnLeave>`_ * `SetDataObject <#SetDataObject>`_ * `SetDefaultAction <#SetDefaultAction>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: GetData() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: GetDataObject() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: GetDefaultAction() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: OnDragOver(x, y, def) | **Parameters:** * `x` (int) * `y` (int) * `def` (int) | **Returns:** `int` -------- .. method:: OnDrop(x, y) | **Parameters:** * `x` (int) * `y` (int) | **Returns:** `bool` -------- .. method:: OnEnter(x, y, def) | **Parameters:** * `x` (int) * `y` (int) * `def` (int) | **Returns:** `int` -------- .. method:: OnLeave() `No docstrings available for this method.` -------- .. method:: SetDataObject(dataObject) | **Parameters:** * `dataObject` (`wx.DataObject `_) -------- .. method:: SetDefaultAction(action) | **Parameters:** * `action` (int)