************************** wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple ************************** Inheritance diagram for `wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple`: | .. inheritance-diagram:: wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple | Description =========== `wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple` is the simplest possible `wx.wizard.WizardPage `_ implementation: it just returns the pointers given to its constructor from `GetNext()` and `GetPrev()` functions. This makes it very easy to use the objects of this class in the wizards where the pages order is known statically -- on the other hand, if this is not the case you must derive your own class from `wx.wizard.WizardPage `_ instead. .. seealso:: `wx.wizard.Wizard `_ Derived From ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `wx.wizard.WizardPage `_ * `wx.Panel <../Widgets/wx.Panel.html>`_ * `wx.Window <../Widgets/wx.Window.html>`_ * `wx.EvtHandler <../Widgets/wx.EvtHandler.html>`_ * `wx.Object <../Widgets/wx.Object.html>`_ Methods Summary ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * `__init__ <#__init__>`_ * `Chain <#Chain>`_ * `SetNext <#SetNext>`_ * `SetPrev <#SetPrev>`_ Class API ========= Methods ^^^^^^^ .. method:: __init__(parent, prev=None, next=None, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, resource=None) Constructor takes the previous and next pages. They may be modified later by `SetPrev <#SetPrev>`_ or `SetNext <#SetNext>`_. **Parameters:** * `parent` (`wx.wizard.Wizard `_) * `prev` (`wx.wizard.WizardPage `_) * `next` (`wx.wizard.WizardPage `_) * `bitmap` (`wx.Bitmap <../Widgets/wx.Bitmap.html>`_) * `resource` (string) | **Returns:** `wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple `_ -------- .. method:: Chain(first, second) A convenience function to make the pages follow each other. **Parameters:** * `first` (`wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple `_) * `second` (`wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple `_) -------- .. method:: SetNext(next) Sets the next page. **Parameters:** * `next` (`wx.wizard.WizardPage `_) -------- .. method:: SetPrev(prev) Sets the previous page. **Parameters:** * `prev` (`wx.wizard.WizardPage `_)