The Blizzard 1260
Blizzard 1260

50 MHz 68060 Accelerator board for AMIGA 1200

With the overwhelming performance of the XC68060, the newest and fastest processsor in the 68k family, the BLIZZARD 1260 Turbo Board provides the AMIGA 1200 with a performance level hitherto unknown in this form and at such low costs. With integer speed exceeding 80 MIPS and the high performance of the integrated floating point unit (FPU), the AMIGA 1200 can be expanded into a powerful workstation which is more than adequately equipped for todayÔs demanding applications such as 3D calculations and ray-tracing, image processing, animation or video processing. Additional expansion options for memory and the DMA port for the BLIZZARD SCSI-Kit IV allow flexible upgrading depending upon necessity and requirements. Depending upon application, its performance is between 10 and almost 40 times that of an AMIGA 1200 already equipped with Fast RAM; even the most time-consuming applications are processed in an extremely short period of time. With this performance rating and the the customary high quality of a typical phase 5 product, you also will be able to enhance your AMIGA 1200 to state-of-the-art performance levels.

Technical Data BLIZZARD 1260 Turbo Board:
What they don't say about it

All the above is amazing but they don't say you some things:

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