[Myou Juan]
Birthday: May 7 (22 years old)
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Height: 199cm
Bloodtype: O
Birthplace: Souen near Choukou in the Northern part of Kounan Country
Family: No relatives. Was lovers with  Shouka, the daughter of a Souen landlord.
Interests: Caring for animals
Powers: Healing power
Personality: Quiet and kind

Suzaku Seishi Translation by Tasuki no Miko
His symbol appears on his left palm. He was originally a doctor in Souen. He is quiet and unsociable. Because he's shy and doesn't let out his own feelings, combined with his stern appearance, he gives the impression that he's hard to get to know but he is a very kind and deeply affectionate person with the weak. Because he's calm, he seems older than his actual age. He'll sacrifice himself for his patients both old and young. Even now he holds deep affection in his heart for his former lover who he was unable to save.

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko