8   Burn Brief and Beautiful

Hakurou quietly closed his eyes and began to talk.

Translation by Tasuki no Miko

There are several shrines here in Mt. Leikaku, right? As a sacred mountain where a god has dwelled since long long ago, this place gathers people's deep faith. But one day a youkai settled in this mountain. The youkai changed into human form, tricked the people going to the mountain, and stole their money and valuables. But what the people feared the most was the weapon it had. A weapon that with only one swing would spew fire and instantly turn the humans who opposed it into ashes.

That was the tessen...

Mt. Leikaku was taken over by that youkai and no one was able to take a step into the mountain. The passages east and west were completely torn apart. And when they felt some relief, it would go down into the village looking for prey. The people were greatly troubled.

That was how it was when a young man shook off the villagers who tried to stop him and, without a single weapon, climbed Mt. Leikaku alone.

The man went to the youkai and told it to come out of the mountain. He said he wouldn't allow it to blaspheme against the sacred mountain. The terribly angered youkai turned the tessen on the man and brandished it over its head.

A crimson flame enveloped the man. ...But the man inside that blaze took a step toward the youkai...

Translation by Tasuki no Miko

"Hya~ What a man... What happened then...!?" Kouji cried out in admiration.

The man approached the youkai and snatched the tessen away. A man advancing inside a fire without sustaining a single burn was a feat of a tremendous mental power. The flame stopped and the mountain gave a great quake. And then the youkai was instantly sealed by the mountain god. The mountain god then told the man this.

"You will protect this mountain. The seal of the youkai cannot be released as long as the tessen carries your chi..."

That man was the founder of our Mt. Leikaku bandits.

Translation by Tasuki no Miko

"Ohh. He was really cool!" Genrou excitedly shouted.

"Since then the tessen has been passed down to the Mt. Leikaku leaders for generations, right?..." Kouji said.

Hakurou nodded. "That's right. After that, the tessen became so only one person who had the disposition to become leader of the Mt. Leikaku bandits could make use of its power. In other words, the youkai's seal can't be released as long as there is a leader who can use the tessen..." And then Hakurou groaned. "But that seal has been released... It was my fault... I didn't realize a byouma had taken up in my body... It was my fault..."


"Listen up. I expect that the youkai will try to steal back the tessen." Hakurou told Kouji and Genrou. "So we have to get the tessen back from Keiron before that no matter what."

"I see..."

Behind Kouji, Genrou asked the Leader. "So then what does the youkai look like?"

"The founder of our bandits is the only one who saw its true body with his own eyes. He called the youkai, Dokuro..."


"No! Dokuro, Dokuro!" Kouji scolded Genrou.

"So, where is this Dokuro now?"

At his side, Kouji held up a board that read "3 points".

"I don't know. All I'm sure of is that he's near us. The fake Keiron you saw at Mt. Kaou... was probably Dokuro."
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
"I see..."

Kouji and Genrou remembered the mysterious words and smoke screen.

"I believe... he said...now is the time for revenge for what happened 300 years ago and Kounan Country will become a wilderness of stupid human corpses... " Kouji said.

Hakurou continued. "Right. I believe it's not after just Mt. Leikaku but Kounan Country as well...that it's planning something in order to get revenge against the humans who sealed it up... In short... it may be pulling the strings behind the scenes in this case of treason..."

"I see...! With the Mt. Kaou bandits on the Western army's side they can fight the Eastern army equally matched... If things don't go well, Kounan Country will self-destruct..."

Kouji swore under his breath. "When Dokuro changed into Keiron, why did he seem angry that you didn't come?"

Kouji and Genrou nodded.

Hakurou said to them. "It had 2 goals back then. To kill the Mt. Leikaku leader who was the source of its grudge. And to kidnap Reirei. Not to reinforce the Western army. Probably in order to devise a way to steal the tessen from Keiron."

"In other words, it knows Keiron stole the tessen." Genrou said.

"It's possible it incited Keiron into stealing it. Dokuro isn't just manipulating Keiron but Ougi as well. ...That's the only thing I can think of..." Hakurou's breathing became painful. "If Ougi raises a treasonous army and... the tessen falls into Dokuro's hands then it'll all be over..."

"Understood. We'll bring back the tessen right away!" Genrou stood up again.
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
Hakurou held him back with a hand. "Wait...!" And then Hakurou said to Kouji and Genrou in a voice like a whisper. "You can't just bring it back... This time we'll need the power of the tessen to seal Dokuro forever."

"But leader, Dokuro is the only one still in this world who can use the tessen..." Kouji said.

Hakurou gave a slight nod and, lowering his voice, told the 2 of them. "Dokuro used an incantation to make fire come out of the tessen. The Mt. Leikaku's founder was the only person who heard the incantation and lived. The incantation could only be passed on from leader to leader... It's used only at times of dilemmas..."

Recapture the tessen from Keiron in Souun Castle. Then seeing through the true form of Dokuro, who was manipulating Ougi, use the incantation and completely obliterate Dokuro with the tessen. Now this assault was all that remained in protecting Mt. Leikaku, no, Kounan Country. And when there was little time left.

"The incantation goes like this..."

Kouji and Genrou leaned forward.

Hakurou muttered word for word in a ragged breath. "Mahariku, maharita."

"Mahariku, maharita..." Kouji and Genrou recited.

"Yamubara, ya ya ya."

"Yamubara, ya ya ya..."
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
"Right, now say it all together."

"Mahariku, maharita, yamubara ya ya ya..."

"Alright. After that..."

Then one of the subordinates rushed into the room. "Leader...The hostage has disappeared again."

"What~?" Kouji and Genrou stood up. Before them Hakurou groaned.

"She was seen standing in front of the leader's room and after that someone looking like her was seen outside the stronghold......"

".........Reirei...!" Kouji grabbed Genrou's arm. "Leader. Well then, we'll be off!"


Ignoring Hakurou's voice, Kouji rushed out of the leader's room pulling Genrou.

"Idiots......" Hakurou clutched his chest, bent over, and violently coughed. ".........And when I told you... to listen to the end...Cough Cough..." Hakurou then grumbled to himself.

Eiken, holding a paper tube to the wall in the room next to Hakurou's, grinned. "I heard it all. Heh heh heh..."

Genrou shook off Kouji's arm when they got to the stronghold entrance. "What the? Is it alright to leave that quickly? At that kind of time, the leader gives an order to go and then we yell out 'right!!'"
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
"We don't have time for that!" Kouji shouted. "Reirei is in danger."

"Reirei...?" Genrou titled his head. "She must've gone back to Keiron's... Isn't that OK? She's safer there than here..."

"You stupid idiot!!!!!!" As soon as he shouted that, Kouji's fist landed on Genrou's face.

Genrou fell down with a thud and looked up at Kouji. "What the hell're ya doing!? Ya son of a bitch."

"I'll hit a guy who doesn't understand a person's feelings however much it takes!"

"A person's feelings~? I understand your feelings for Reirei!" Genrou stood up and Kouji knocked him down again with a smack.

"You blockhead! Reirei's feelings for you."

"What...was that...?" Genrou looked up dumbly at Kouji.

Kouji pulled him up, his chest shook in exertion. "Reirei went to bring back the tessen. She heard us talking earlier in front of the leader's room, decided to take the tessen from Keiron herself, and left! Don't ya understand that much?!"


"Do you understand why she did that?! For you! She may have also felt a duty to help Kounan Country in this crisis. But more than that, Reirei...wanted...wanted you to become leader and so went to bring the tessen back!"

Translation by Tasuki no Miko
Come to think of it, she did say that... Genrou gasped.

"And...because she thought you wouldn't leave here if you became leader! Reirei wanted to always be with you here! She...she loves you! Why don't you get it...you blockhead----!!"

"............!!" Genrou stood motionless both hands hanging down.

"...To bring back the tessen?... Dokuro may be at Souun Castle, right?..."

"He is! I finally remembered earlier." Kouji told Genrou. "Dokuro's true form is that woman. That florist we saved in the city of Souun!"


Kouji had realized that the scent he smelled in the Mt. Kaou's leader's room was the same as the floral scent that florist girl had.

"And Reirei's right arm is hurt now..."

"Shit...!" Genrou made a wild dash. "What's taking you so long? Kouji, let's go------!"


Reirei ran down Mt. Leikaku all at once. She ran to the Souun Castle without stopping to rest her legs. "Just wait, Genrou..."

The castle gate came into view.

"I'll help ya... I'll bring the tessen back so..."
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
And then it'll be alright. Genrou will defeat the youkai. I'm sure...

Huff Huff Huff Huff. Out of breath, Reirei passed through the castle gate.

The inside of the castle was overcrowded with a great number of soldiers. She didn't know if it was thousands or 10 thousands. Then Reirei quickly passed through the middle of the group of soldiers waiting for Ougi's orders.

"Ojousan. It's Ojousan, isn't it?"

Reirei was grasped by the arm by a Mt. Kaou bandit. She grinned. The bandit was one who had been struck by a strong blow of Reirei's aibou in Mt. Leikaku this morning.

"Ah...sorry 'bout this morning. I was coerced into doing it by those Mt. Leikaku guys. I finally had an opening and ran away...  So where's Oniichan?"

"So that's what happened?... The leader is inside the castle..."

Having gotten the bandit to tell her Keiron's whereabouts, Reirei said "Thanks!" and ran up the stairway at full speed headed for the room.

"Take the field----------!" The signal to dispatch the troops to the capitol resounded behind Reirei.


"Oniichan!" Opening the door to the room, Reirei opened her eyes wide. "Genrou...!?"
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
Genrou, standing before Keiron, suddenly turned around.

"Re-Reirei~~~~!" Keiron stomped up before Reirei and hugged his beloved little sister. "You've come back. Did you run away?"

Reirei silently nodded and said to Genrou. "You...got here before me!?"

Genrou backed away a little and answered. "Yeah. With my speed I passed you in no time." Genrou said and turned toward Keiron. "I've switched to your side so..."

"R-really?~" Keiron leered at him. "And Reirei's come back, it's all too good to be true. It's like a dream~."

"......Genrou...?" Reirei looked at Genrou. Could it be that Genrou is acting to get the tessen from Keiron?...

"Our leader is sick and so is useless now and the men have left too. Mt. Leikaku is finished. I was also thinking it over and I figured I'd join your group and make an interesting living..."

"I see, I see. That'll be great~." Keiron wiped away his drool.

"You can do what you want with me on just one condition."

"What? Gen-chan  ask me anything."
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
Genrou's beady eyes sparkled. "Would ya give me the tessen?"

"The tessen?" Keiron distorted his face a bit.

"Isn't it OK? Mt. Leikaku is crushed and there's no longer anyone who can use it. It's just iron junk."

"That's true..."

"Reirei's also come back, and isn't it just trash?"

"That's true... If I give ya the tessen, will it really...be OK...?" Keiron very vaguely confirmed with Genrou in front of his little sister.

"It's OK. I was just a little embarrassed that other time. And you know that I hate women..." Genrou said, his canines shone shyly.

"Al...al...alright. I'll bring it out now. Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." On cloud nine, Keiron walked up to the gold bed that had been brought from Mt. Kaou and pulled the gold embroidered mattress up entirely. He hit the middle of the gold plated floor board and rotated part of the board. Then Keiron took the tessen completely out of a small open space.

Just a little longer... Reirei held her breath and looked over at that spot.

"Ya hid it in a good place." Tension could be heard in Genrou's voice.

"Then should I give it to ya?"
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
Genrou put out his hand to Keiron. Keiron came before Genrou with the tessen in his hand.

"Alright? It's a promise between men..." Giving a smile that held hidden meaning, Keiron presented the tessen. "Aah~  Genrou, you smell so good. It's making me dizzy."

Unintentionally exposing his homosexuality in front of his little sister, Keiron put a hand over his mouth with a gasp. At the same time, Reirei put a hand over her mouth with a gasp.

"Oniichan! Don't give him the tessen!" As soon as she said that Reirei slid between Keiron and Genrou. "He isn't Genrou!"

"W-wh-what~?" Behind his little sister, Keiron clutched the tessen to his chest with a squeal.

"He's a youkai."

"Yo-yo-youkai~!?" Keiron edged back.

"Genrou doesn't smell good. I also smelled that scent the other day in the Mt. Kaou leader's room!"

"Hmf...little girl..." A woman's voice came out of Genrou's mouth and his form was suddenly enveloped in a red smoke.

Then seeing the woman who appeared from within the smoke, Keiron said in a high pitched voice. "Kyo...Kyouan!?" Pointing at Ougi's lover, Keiron's mouth gaped open. This woman was the one who advised Ougi to scout his Mt. Kaou bandits. This woman was also the one who had him use a Mt. Leikaku insider to steal the tessen. But after bribing Eiken and getting him to steal the tessen, he didn't give in to this woman who persistently wooed him to make the tessen a weapon for the Western army...
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
"Ho ho, Keiron. So you like boys. I didn't realize." Kyouan howled.

Reirei turned to her and declared. "At any rate, we can't give you the tessen."

"Don't say that. Become one of us, Ojousan."

"No way!" Reirei shouted and held her ornamental hairpin. The aibou extended smoothly in Reirei's hand and she swung it up at Kyouan with a "ya".

Kyouan quickly stepped out of the way, gave a fearless smile, and said. "All your skill is ruined with that right arm."

Kyouan lightly dodged Reirei's next swing. Her eyes instantly turned red as if they were on fire. Reirei held her right arm and bit her lip.

"And when I was thinking I'd help you if you didn't come to interfere..." Kyouan said. She placed both her hands on the collar of her garment and roughly tore it open.

"...........!" Seeing her bared chest, Reirei stood rooted to the spot. That wasn't a woman's chest. "Dokuro..."

"You know my name." Kyouan put a hand in her chest, which looked like an old corpse without a speck of flesh on it, and took out a bone. Kyouan turned to the girl, who gasped and backed away, and threw the bone at her.

Cla--ng! The bone, deflected by the aibou, returned like a boomerang to Kyouan's hand with a swish.


Kyouan put her other hand to her chest.
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
Whiz whiz!! Cutting the air, the dangerous weapons flew at Reirei in rapid succession. Cla--ng! Clan--ng! It took all Reirei had to hold them off. She backed away step by step.


Seeing Reirei trip over Keiron lying on the ground and fall down, Kyouan's eyes blazed. "Die, little girl!!"

Swish! Slipping past the aibou that protected her, the dangerous weapon pierced Reirei's chest.


Kyouan stopped as she saw Reirei's left hand clutch her chest and her face twist in pain.

"Now be a good girl and give me back the tessen." Kyouan turned toward the brother and sister fallen over each other on the floor and drew near.

Reirei tighten her grip on her aibou.

Whiiiiz!! Kyouan stood rooted to the spot and gasped at Reirei's aibou that flew through the air.

The aibou grazed Kyouan's face and disappeared out an opened window.

"Ungh.." Kyouan held her face with a hand. Blood oozed out from between her fingers.

"...Because I'm a little girl...you think I'm...easy..." Reirei said panting.

Translation by Tasuki no Miko

She then heard a voice from outside.

"Reirei-------- Where are you----? Answer me if you're there------."

Reirei took the tessen from her stunned brother's hand beside her and with the last of her might she ran to the window. Recovering her senses, Kyouan, covered in blood, turned to Reirei with a furious look.

"Re-Rei-Reirei ... Quick, give her the tessen...!" Keiron finally cried out to his sister in a trembling voice.

Reirei shook her head slightly. "Oniichan... Forgive me..."
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
From the window of the room situated on the very top floor of the Souun castle, Reirei looked down at the rear garden below. She had no hesitation. While holding the tessen tightly to her wounded chest, Reirei threw herself into the darkness on the verge of dusk.

[ Chapter 9 | Back ]

Copyright Watase Yuu/Nishizaki Megumi/Shogakukan   Translated by Tasuki  no Miko