Lekka Yuugi

Chapter 1 - Tasuki no Miko

Written by Tasuki no Miko

*Warning, the following chapter contains a slight spoiler from Vol.13 

TNM looked up from the book she was reading and looked around the library. She could've sworn she heard someone call her name but there was no one around.

"Creepy..." She said.

She got up to leave but instead found herself drawn to a door marked "Staff Only" The door creaked open and she peeked inside to find a couple of shelves of books written in Japanese.

"Cool!" She exclaimed as she happily pulled a book down from a shelf.

"Nijuuhachi Jin Tenchi Sho (The Universe of the 28 Gods) translated by Okuda Einosuke..."

She flipped the book open and found herself drooling over a picture of a hot fanged guy holding a fan.

"Ooh...I like this book already!"

Tearing her eyes away from the picture, she began to read......

"This is the story of one girl who having gathered the 23 Seishi of 'Tasuki' acquired the power to make any wishes come true. The story itself is a spell. One who finishes the book shall acquire the same power as the heroine and her wishes will come true. As soon as the page is turned the story will become the truth and begin."

TNM looked at the picture of the guy with fangs and contemplated whether she really did want to turn the page or just drool over the picture. After several long minutes she decided there might be more pictures of the cute guy so she turned the page and was suddenly engulfed in an orange light.

The light faded and....................................finding herself still in the library she continued reading the book.

"The girl was engulfed by an orange light. When the light faded the girl having found herself still in the library continued to read the book."

"Well that was rather anti-climatic." she said to herself.

"Then Taiitsukun, the Creator, appeared before the girl, accompanied by several Goddesses known as Nyan Nyan."

TNM looked at the picture on the next page. It was of a regal looking man (not bad looking but no where near as good looking as the fanged guy) behind him were several beautiful women.

Suddenly an old women popped out of nowhere followed by several cute little girls.

"ACK!" TNM staggered back in shock.

"Tasuki no Miko" The old woman said.

TNM looked around.

"That's you." The old woman said "I am Taiitsukun and..."

"Hey wait a minute..." TNM looked at the picture in the book again "Taiitsukun? Why are you a wrinkled old bag and not the cool looking guy in this picture!?"

Taiitsukun smacked TNM over the head. "How rude! Because I LIKE this form!"

One of the Nyan Nyans bounced over to TNM and said "I'll cure you."

"What are you talking about? I'm not sick!"

The Nyan Nyan pointed to a can of whip cream peeking out from TNM's backpack. "I'll cure you of your perversion."

"Uh......" TNM sweatdropped.

"Ahem...Speaking of which..." Taiitsukun spoke up "If you want to summon Tasuki and get your 3 wishes you can't have anything to do with the opposite sex."


TNM looked again at the picture of the fanged guy "3 wishes, huh? So what can you tell me about this cutie?" She said holding the picture up to Taiitsukun's wrinkled old face.

Taiitsukun took the book and smacked TNM over the head with it. "What's with the wrinkle old face comment!"

TNM rubbed her sore head "But I didn't actually say it. How did you..."

"I'm the Creator, remember. I know everything." She then waved a hand and a large mirror appeared. "His name is Tasuki."

"Tasuki? So he's the one who's gotta give me 3 wishes? Wai! Wai!" TNM jumped up and down happily.

On the mirror a Fushigi Yuugi episode (ep.20) began playing. After it ended, an enthralled TNM demanded Taiitsukun show her the rest of the series.

Much later after a straight marathon of the entire series......

"Whoo hoo! Alright, I'll do it! I'll be Tasuki no Miko!"

"ZZZZZZ...... Huh? Whazzat?" Taiitsukun asked as she woke from her sleep. "Uh, right. Now the 23 Tasuki Seishi are..."

"23?!?!?! Why so many?! Those other Mikos in that 'Fushigi Yuugi' only had to find 7 Seishi!"

Taiitsukun smacked TNM with the book again. "Don't interrupt me! As the legend goes the reason why there are so many Tasuki Seishi is because Tasuki hated women so Suzaku granted him more stars than any of the other constellations so that it would be harder for his Miko to summon him. "

"Hey! That's no fair!" TNM exclaimed.

"Anyway, as I was saying, the 23 Tasuki Seishi are scattered throughout this world. To make it easier for you to find them, they will be transported along with you to the world inside the book. Good luck Tasuki no Miko."

Taiitsukun and the Nyan Nyans disappeared into thin air.

"Hey! Who's in there!?" A voice called from outside the room.

"Uh-oh..." TNM looked around for a place to hide.

Seeing a flash of orange light coming from underneath the door the librarian open the door. The room was empty. "I could've sworn I heard someone in here. Oh well. Hm? Who left this lying on the floor!?" The librarian grumbled as he picked up an open book from off the floor and placed it on the shelf.

*                    *                    *

"OW!" TNM cried as she landed on her butt. She definitely wasn't in the library anymore. She heard a rumbling sound coming from behind her and when she turned around she saw an army of men on horses charging right for her. There was no time to get out of the way. TNM squeezed her eyes shut as she waited to become roadkill......

Chapter 2
