Lekka Yuugi

Chapter 14 - The Summoning

Written by Tasuki no Miko

*Warning, the following chapter contains spoilers for up to Vol.13 (Entire TV series)

"Put me down already!" Tasuki no Miko pounded her abductor's back with her fists.

"Oof!" She cried out as she was roughly dumped to the ground. She looked up and... "Beefcake?!"

"Would ya quit calling me that! I have a name you know!"

"You do?" She said with a blank look then shook her head and demanded. "So what's the idea of dragging me all the way out here?!"

"I was hired to keep you from summoning Tasuki."

"What!? Who hired you to do that?"

"Tasuki himself." Beefcake smirked.

"WHAAAAAAAT!?!?!?!?! I don't believe it! You're lying!!!" She started battering Beefcake again.

"Seems his 'godliness' doesn't fancy being summoned by a bunch of drooling fan......" Beefcake's words trailed off as he noticed a firegate open up before him. "I don't believe it! How did they find us!?" He cried out in disbelief.

"Tasuki Nijuusan Seishi Rence, finder of mischief." Rence grinned as she posed with her right hand extended before her in a V-sign.

"Lekka Kaze!" Nekoboshi cried out and Beefcake was blown away by a whirlwind.

"Now let's get out of here and summon Tasuki before anything else happens." Nobora said as she helped Tasuki no Miko up and pushed her through the fire gate. The rest of the Seishi followed and the gate closed behind them.

When the girls came out of the other side of the fire gate, Rence said. "Alright let's summon Tasuki now."

"But don't we need the summoning scroll and perform some kind of rituals before we summon Tasuki?" Divon replied.

"Kouji's room!" Kristi exclaimed. "I bet we'll find the summoning scroll in Kouji's room. Let's head back to Mt. Leikaku."

"I'll get us back there quick as a flash." Talya said as she extended her hands before her and opened another fire gate. The group of girls stepped through and once again found themselves back at the Mt. Leikaku bandit stronghold.

"This way." Kristi guided them to Kouji's room.

"Wow..." The girls' jaws dropped at the sight of the impressive Tasuki shrine.

"Here it is." Kristi picked up a scroll and gave it to Tasuki no Miko.

"YES!" She gingerly opened the scroll and... "NOOOOOOO!" ...fell to her knees bursting out in tears.

"What is it? What's wrong? Isn't it the right scroll?" The Seishi crowded around her.

"I don't know... Does anyone read ancient Chinese?" She moaned.

"We didn't come this far to be stopped by a language barrier! Hang on." Kristi said and ran out of the room. She returned a few moments later with a bandit in tow.

As the bandit helped Tasuki no Miko decipher the scroll, the Seishi whispered to each other and then took off.

"It says what?!? Are you sure?" Tasuki no Miko cried out.

The bandit nodded.

"It figures." Tasuki no Miko grumbled then set about at memorizing the incantation.

The Seishi then reappeared and proclaimed. "It's ready."

"What's ready?"

"The Miko purification ritual. Come on." The girls dragged Tasuki no Miko into a room containing a bath and started to undress her.

"KYAAA! ETCHI! HENTAI! SUKEBE!!!!!" Tasuki no Miko fought to keep her cloths on but was no match for a bunch of Seishi determined to summon Tasuki. After stripping her bare they tossed her in the large vat pushing her completely underneath the bathwater's surface. When she submerged...

"This isn't water, it's sake!" She coughed.

"Yeah, we figure it'll help attract Tasuki if his Miko reeks of booze." Then they pushed her head back under the bathsake again.

When the purification ritual was over Tasuki no Miko unsteadily got out of the bath giggling, having swallowed more than one mouthful of the bathsake.

Now's my chance. Kanjiru thought. Inebriation usually lowered a person's resistance to her Seishi Mind TrickTM. Kanjiru probed Tasuki no Miko's mind and then smiled to herself. She sensed that Tasuki no Miko wanted to be with Tasuki alone and viewed her Seishi as competition for his affections. Yes, I can work with this. She said to herself then planted an idea in Tasuki no Miko's mind and nurtured it with the Miko's own desires. If things go right then...Kanjiru grinned.

Tasuki no Miko was blissfully oblivious to Kanjiru's manipulation.

The rest of the Seishi then dressed her in a skimpy orange outfit and sat her down to do her hair.

"Let's give her an odango style! I think Tasuki likes odangos." Nekoboshi said and a gagged Miaka nodded.

After they finished, several Seishi tried to surpress giggles. Others didn't even bother to try and starting guffawing out loud.

"What? What are you laughing at? Just what did you do?" Tasuki no Miko picked up a hand mirror and looked at her reflection. "ACK!!!! I look like Sailor Moon on a bad hair day! Gimme that!" Tasuki no Miko snatched the hair brush from her Seishi. She brushed her hair out then pulled it back into a simple ponytail which she held in place with an ornamental hair piece.


Tasuki no Miko stood in front of a blazing fire with the summoning scroll and began to recite the incantation. "I, a mere lowly stupid girl..." Tasuki no Miko rolled her eyes and continued. "...do humbly request for the brightest star of them all, that wonderful, awesome, super, kick-ass bandit known as Tasuki, to come before those of us who have summoned him, even though a stupid girl like me doesn't deserve to bask in his glory. Come to us now." She then threw the scroll into the fire.

The girls waited...

"Hey! You sure you didn't do anything with Beefcake while you 2 were gone?!" The Seishi gave Tasuki no Miko a suspicious look.

Before she had a chance to deny the accusation, Tasuki appeared grumbling.

"WAI! Tasuki!" Everyone cheered.

"OK, everyone leave us now so Tasuki and I can 'majiwaru' in private." Tasuki no Miko gave a hentai grin.

"WHAT!?!" Many of the Seishi glared at Tasuki no Miko. "The hell we're gonna let you 'majiwaru' with Tasuki!"

"But it's required for the Miko to 'majiwaru' with her God in order to get her wishes." Tasuki no Miko pouted.

"Uh..." Tasuki sweatdropped. "That's not really necessary, I can grant your wishes without it."

"But..." Tasuki no Miko was crestfallen but then she remembered her 3 wishes and brighten up. "Alright, for my first wish... I want those Tasuki bedsheets of Kouji's."

Tasuki rolled his eyes and sighed. "Alright, kinda weirds me out that Kouji has them anyway."


A bed suddenly appeared in the middle of the room with Kouji lying on top of it.

"YES!!" Tasuki no Miko exclaimed but before she could even reach the bed...

PYON! Kristi leaped on top of the bed and snuggled up to Kouji.

Tasuki no Miko tugged the top sheet off and revealed Kouji's Tasuki pajamas. "KYAA~~~ How cute!" She cried out all starry-eyed.

"Don't even think it Tanomi, the Tasuki jammies are mine!" Kristi commanded as she hugged Kouji tighter.

"Alright alright." Tasuki no Miko shrugged and began working on tugging the bottom sheet out from under Kristi and Kouji. When they finally came free she wrapped them around her neck and walked back to Tasuki. "Now for my second....... Hey, wait a minute... Aren't you supposed to start devouring me after I start making my wishes?!"

Tasuki sweatdropped some more. "Uh..."

"Hold on." Tasuki no Miko went through her back pack and produced a can of whip cream. "This'll make me tastier." She beamed.

"Woo hoo! Good idea Tasuki no Miko!" The Seishi cheered as they took the can from her and began using it on a kicking and screaming Tasuki.

"Hey wait! That's supposed to be for..." She shrugged then joined in the fun.

Kourin opened her bag and started passing out more cans of whip cream as well as other goodies.

"Hey save some for Kouji!" Kristi called out.

"Yeah save some for me." Kouji started getting out of bed but Kristi stopped him with one hand as she caught the can of whip cream that Kourin tossed her way with the other. "Just where do you think you're going." She grinned hentaily.

Kouji sweatdropped.


After Tasuki no Miko and her Seishi finished their fun...

"OK, now for my second wish... I wish all the Tasuki Seishi will forget about Tasuki and be happy with someone else."

"WHAT THE @#*&!!!" Priya grabbed Tasuki no Miko by the collar. Behind Priya the other Seishi glared at Tasuki no Miko.

"Now would be a good time." Tasuki no Miko squeaked at Tasuki.

"With pleasure." Tasuki grinned.


Tenkou appeared.

"Ooh...Tenkou..." Priya roughly dropped Tasuki no Miko and clamped onto Tenkou.


Tamahome appeared.

"Mamamome!" Miaka mumbled in glee.

"Miaka! Why are you bond and gagged?" Tamahome asked.


Hakurou appeared.

"Kashira!" Tasuki and Kouji exclaimed in surprise. "You're alive!"

Rence snuggled up to Hakurou.

"If Hakurou's been brought back to life then that means..." Kanjiru clasped her hands together hopeful that her plan had worked.


Nakago appeared.

"Nakkie-poo!" Kanjiru jumped into his arms.


Yohji, Kyouya, Sanosuke, Jin Kazama, Folken, and Yuuhi appeared and Talya, Cassiel, Takara, Nobara, Kourin, and Kourika respectively pounced on them.

Then the couples all left leaving Tasuki no Miko and Tasuki alone in the room. Tasuki no Miko grinned. Tasuki sweatdropped. Tasuki no Miko moved closer to Tasuki. Tasuki moved away. Tasuki no Miko moved closer to Tasuki again. Tasuki moved away again.

"Heh heh, for my final wish..."

Tasuki gulped. He had a bad feeling he knew what the final wish would be.

"I want..."

He squeezed his eyes shut.

"...to be with you forever."

Tasuki's eyes popped open. "OK"


Tasuki no Miko found herself in another room. A Japanese woman sitting at a drawing table turned around to look at the strange blonde gaijin wrapped in bedsheets.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked in Osaka-ben.

Tasuki no Miko clenched her fists and screamed. "Dammit Tasuki, I said 'you' not 'Yuu'!!!!!!!"


"And so Tasuki made it so you'd be with me forever?" Watase Yuu said incredulously after having heard Tasuki no Miko's story.

Tasuki no Miko nodded.

"Well if you're gonna be here awhile you might as well make yourself useful. Here." Watase placed a stack of paper into Tasuki no Miko's arms. "These need to be inked."

"Hai." Tasuki no Miko hung her head and wondered if she would get paid any better than Asuka had been for her assistant work.1

"Now to teach a certain creation of mine not to mess with his creator!" Watase smirked as she sat down at her drawing table and began scribbling furiously. "BWA HA HA HA HA!" She laughed insanely.

Tasuki no Miko looked over Watase's shoulder and asked in concern. "You're not gonna hurt him, are you?"

"Wouldn't think of it. Now get back to work!" Watase ordered.


After finally finishing the first stack, Tasuki no Miko began working on the second. As she glanced at the top page her eyes bugged out.

It was a drawing of Tasuki tied to Keiron's bed screaming "GYAA~~~!!!! Oh great Watase-sama, forgive me~~~!!!!"


My apologies to all the Tasuki Seishi for my second wish. ^^;;;

1 - In the Shinshunki Miman CD book there's a  manga in which Watase Yuu shanghai's Asuka into becoming an assistant and then pays her off with a map.
