Lekka Yuugi

Chapter 5 - Priya

Written by Kristi

"This is going to be ... GENKI!" A female voice said, as it watched the Tasuki seishi, and Tasuki no Miko. "All I have to do is help them
summon Tasuki, then I get to kill everyone, and he's mine." The voice began to cackle.

Meanwhile, Tasuki no Miko was having a desperate time. Miaka was ... not the companion of her choice. *She's got to learn to control that
voice ... and those habits, so that she doesn't annoy us!* Tasuki no Miko thought to herself, as she popped the ever-handy and convenient
earplugs into her ears, and settling down to sleep.

"Anou ... Tasuki No Miko? Perhaps we should set up a watch?" Cat suggested.

"Good idea Cat!" Nobara agreed. "I'll take the first watch." Everyone nodded, and layed down to sleep.

"Now's my chance ..." The voice spoke loudly. Luckily for the voice, no one heard her.

"Damnit Priya, shhhh! You'll wake them up!" A deeper female voice told the first.

"But I wanna be GENKI!" Priya replied.

"Whatever. But your leaving me out of it," the second voice answered. "If you need me, I'll be off stalking Kouji ..."

"Yeah, whatever. Traitor!"

"BIIIIIIIDDDA!" the second voice replied smartly, and was silent. Moonlight illuminated the watcher.

It was a young woman, dressed in a white teeshirt with Saitoh on the front, and Himura Battousai on the back. She had insanely long black
hair, and dark tanned skin. She was grinning madly, and her eyes held specks of red. The girl approached the camp quietly, caustiously, trying
not to wake anyone up.

She failed.

"ITAIIIII!" Tasuki no Miko exclaimed as she felt a foot plant into her head.

The girl giggled. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there," she told Tasuki no Miko. Nobara immediately jumped awake at her Miko's cry, and turned
towards the intruder. Miaka also started awake, with a desperate scream of "TAMAHOME!" Cat continued to sleep.

The girl covered her ears at the cry. "NOT TAMA-DORK!" She screamed in mortal terror. Suddenly Miaka was gagged, and hog-tied.

"Well, that works too," Nobara muttered under her breath.

Everyone stared at each other, inspecting. Tasuki No Miko eyes the girl's clothing. "Would you perhaps be a Tasuki seishi?"

The girl nodded. "YEP! 009 reporting for duty!" The other three girls, facefaulted. "Ooops. Sorry, wrong fanfic. I'm Priya. I have the
phemonially cosmic power to make everyone do as I say. Literally."

Tasuki no Miko sweatdropped. "*You're* Priya ..." She trailed off, and looked back and forth from Priya to Miaka. "Why me?" Tasuki no Miko
muttered to herself.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Priya replied, grinning insanely at Tasuki No Miko.

"Please don't. I don't want to know."

Chapter 6
