Sou Kishuku



  • Birthplace: Konan country, Jusou-ken, Hakukou village, yep,indeed
  • Birthday: Because he's of Suzaku, somewhere between Feb-May? 17 years old
  • Family: Father, 2 younger brothers, 2 younger sisters, mother died when he was 12 years old
  • Abilities: All the martial arts. Was born with this ability
  • Height: 180cm
  • Bloodtype: Probably O Translation by Tasuki no Miko
  • Interests; Making money
  • The oldest son who works hard to support his family in his father's place. An older brother indeed. Because of this he cares about others, and is frequently taken advantaged of by people. But he tells himself "What else can I do?" Cheerful on the surface but tough on the inside (I think), is innocent and bashful. This is why he originally rejected Miaka. (For his family's sake he has grown stoic). Will sacrifice himself without hesitation to protect others against any foe.
  • Now it seems everyone's gotten used to Tama with short hair but have you noticed that in comparison with Vol.2 his hair has been growing out as it should? My assistants and I were saying "Nobody'll notice, will they?"
  • (Tamahome):Hm?

*The Illustration books list Tamahome's birthday as June 28 and his bloodtype definitely as O

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko