*Disclaimer - The following page is written in fun only in order to reduce stress & frustration at seeing one's web content stolen. The author of this page in no way condones the use of violence or torture against web thieves.
IVC Free Poll
Vote for your favorite Fushigi Yuugi way to take care of web thieves
Have Tenkou smite them 
Constant drone of "Tamahome..." "Miaka..."
Flamed by Tasuki's tessen
Impaled on Chichiri's staff
Whipped by Nakago
Zapped by Soi 
Eaten by Ashitare 
Eaten by Miaka 
Made to eat food cooked by Miaka 
Logged by Aidou 
Mrs. Kou's infamous "Breast Attack"
Beheaded by Hotohori's royal decree
Trampled by Tasuki's horse 
Chi blast 
A night alone with Eiken 
A night alone with the Kutou Emperor
Frozen by Tomite 
Infected by a byouma 
Robbed by bandits 
Robbed by Tamahome 
Smacked by Taiitsukun
Kasa trip to another dimension 
Made to repeatedly listen to "Blue Eyes...Blue"

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