ST Informal Tourney Award: Moremovers (#n) 1998-99

from magazine SUOMEN TEHTÄVÄNIEKAT n.02/2000

1. Prize
1402 Evgenij Bogdanov - UKR

ST 1° Pr.H#n      4#       7+10

     1.f3! (2.Ted3+ Sed4 3.Se3+(A) T(S)xe3 4.Txc5#(B)
     1.-Sed4 2.Sb6+ axb6 3 Txc5+(B) bxc5 4.Sc3#(C)
     1.-Tc1 2.Ted3+ Se(f)d4 3.Sc3+(C) Txc3 4.Txe5#(D)
     1.-Sfd4 2.Sf6+ gxf6 3 Txe5+(D) fxe5 4.Se3#(A)
  Complex but interesting threat and variations show a cyclic shift of four moves between third moves and fourth moves.Without doubt the best problem of the entries

Honourable Mention
1648 Christer Jonsson -SWE

ST Hon.Mention.H#n
     4#          6+7
     1.Db8! (2 Tb4+ Ka3 3.Ta4+ Kxa4 4 Db4#)
     1.-Kxa3 2.Tb3+ Ka2 3.Ta3+ Kxa3 4.Db3#
     1.-Kxa5 2.Tb5+ Ka4 3.Ta5+ Kxa5 4.Db5#

   Three unexpected offers of the white rook earn to be honoured. They are needed to make place for the white Queen.

1. Commendation
1752 Christopher Jones - GBR

ST 1° Comm. H#n      7#          6+5

    1.Kd7 La4+ 2.Kd8 Lb5 3.Lb7 Lc6
    4.La8 Ld7 5.e76 Ld5+ 7.e8D#
  Just that move 4 La8 is the reason for this commend

2. Commendation
1802 Baldur Kozdon - DEU

ST 2° Comm. H#n
     4#          6+11

     1.Tc6l (2.Da4#; 2.Dxc4+).
     1.-Se6+ 2.Kg8 1 -Sf5+ 2.Kh7
  White creates a Novotny in a surprising way by allowing crosschecks by the black knight. After all this appears to be only delay of execution.

Henk Ie Grand Wageningen 123 2000

  This award is published in ST 2/2000. Claims to Jukka Tuovinen by 30th of June 2000, address Steniuksentie 35 A 1,00320 Helsinki, e-mail .

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