Important part for the preparation of a  Puppet Theatre are the scenographies that must immediately
 communicate to the spectators the surroundings and the place of the scene. 

Normally will be used pieces of paper reinforced or heavy canvas, fixed on the top and the bottom to a stick and painted with pastels or enamel paintings showing with marked perspectives the base elements of the places. The scenes rolled up on the top stick are positioned on upper part of the Theatre and descents time by time on the neutral wall paper of the stage. In some cases the scenographie previews two background: a remote scene and a cloth moulded in a open lace way in order to increase the depth of the scene and the mobility of the puppets.  

Complete the preparation of stage the two lateral neutral sepatation behind which 
the Puppets enters and exits from the scene.

Although in the field of the Puppet Theatres nearly all the accessories are constructed personally from
 the Puppeter, for the scenographies an exception has been always made and such task has been
 often assigned to Painters and Artists who, upon request, designed or painted several the landscapes.

It is therefore not difficult to find between these scenographies works of most famous painters, recognizable
 for their technique, even if colors and perspectives for specific requirements of the employ are forced 
represent sometimes graphical studies and pieces of great skilfulness.

 Also the small Theatre of Mario Magonio profited of these collaborations, it possesses some
 scenes of valuable realization, but unfortunately has gotten lost the name of the painters
 who has executed such scenes.

We have however to remember the remarkable scenographies by Rosita Perosio from the storyplay
The True History of the Discovery of the America 
or those by Luciano Caviglia who has moreover painted also the two Arlecchinos on front of the  Theatre. 

Finally must remember some scenes painted in 1977 by the most famous Lele Luzzati of the Teatro della Tosse
 of Genoa and some estimable scenes of “insides House” of an other painter friend of Magonio, at the
 moment not better identified that with the name Giusti.


Scenographies from Museums or Private Collections
Pictures from the book " Marionette e Burattini" by Pino Capellini


In this scene has been painted the old place of 
Bergamo the upper, a wellkown place of Bergamo where 
the Puppeters in the past century were authorized
 to present their shows 


Street scene painted by Arturo Marziali
famous not only for being a Puppeter but also
 as skilfulnees decorator
Collection Scuri - Bergamo


Scene presenting the internal part of a cloister.
The importance of the scenographies in a close space
 is really important as in this scene where every
particulars  are painted with extreme attention
Collection Scuri - Bergamo


Other scenographies from Theatres in the World


des 3 singes - Toulouse France 

Jacolly Puppet Theatre - England


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