Stefano Bonfatti


Italian version

From October, 14th to December, 14th Stefano Bonfatti challanges in the "Painter of the year" Award of the art site Tuttarteonline.

If you want to visit the page of the Award to vote for an Artist, click here

Fire-made paintings

Usually with the word "painting" you associate the idea of a canvas painted in oils or watercolours; on the contrary, in a "fire-made painting" there are no canvas or colours: my works take life from the flames and the burns that a red-hot metallic point leaves on wooden panels; by modulating the intensity of the flame it's possible to obtain different kinds of nuances, shades and lights.
I invented this technique by chance a few years ago, when I still painted following the traditional painting canons. Since then, I've started to refine this new and fascinating technique; I abandoned colours and canvas and I began to surround myself with pyrographs (red-hot metallic points which can leave this burns on wood) and oxy-hydrogen flames.

You can see some works of art made with this technique in the Gallery.

The subjects of my works range over lake sceneries of the Lecco area (Como Lake), over small villages' foreshortenings, over everyday-life scenes and artistic female nudes.

Biographical notes

Stefano Bonfatti was born in Besana Brianza (province of Milan) on June 10th 1976. Since he was young he started to show a marked inclination for drawings, paintings and for the art world. In the '90s his career as a "street artist" began: he would go to the towns' art markets to paint portraits and make caricatures. One day, the passion for experimentation brought him to use a pyrograph by chance, and to the finding of a new particular technique, a new way to "paint" his works.
So, the first "fire-made paintings" came to life.
This episode was a turning-point for him: he abandoned traditional painting and has since devoted himself completely to this technique.
At the present time, Stefano owns a studio-workroom in the centre of Lecco, where he creates and exhibits his works of art.






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Stefano Bonfatti -2005

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