The programs have been developed by VB5 and runs on desktop machine but their 
use is restricted to CE programmers (NSBasic as default) that need an easy way to 
create installation packages to deliver their works to the user. (i have some reasons 
to think IPWiz may works with others CE Languages also so in the program you will find the
possibility to change the program extention to use also others CE application that may need
an installer program ).

The most relevant problem of a programmer that uses NSBasic meets, as soon
as he is ready to distribute his application  is to find or  create an installer that 
can do the job without to require the  final  user to install  several programs to 
enable the application running.
The reason of my experiments is that  the procedure that you should use, and 
you find in the website uses a program that only works with
NT/Win2000/XP systems.
As i still use the old Win98 SE i was unable to do my programs' installer and so
the following application are the result of my researches.

ATTENTION : Programs has been successfully tested loading a program of 
                               mine on a Mips device (AERO 1550 USA) and on an Arm device 
                               (HP Jornada 565 Italian)  and HP H2210 with their relative O.S. 
                               The code appears to work fine but you can still find some bugs 
                               so consider this as a BETA versions. 
                               Obviously any your feedback will be appreciated

                        (Click HERE to see details)

		This program does its works fine and the Version 2 allows to 
		install also the NSBasic Runtime with a mouse's click only.  
		The problem is that to do this you need the MS eVB Tool
		already installed on your desk computer.
		If you use both language (NSBasic -eVB) you can solve the 
		problem with IPWiz 2. Your final user must only to click a 
		button more on his device to complete installation but he will
		get the program easily installed and its shortcut also in the 
		Programs' window. 

You can see which is the idea base of the IPWiz2 procedure HERE .
The instructions are also available as Mhtml file into the downloaded program's file

           BETA Available                            BETA Available
                        (click on the logos to see details)
       The program INFactory Single Cab has bee discontinued
		To use IPWiz 2 was totally free, but it could not be a good 
		reason for a programmer that use NSBasic only to accept
		its so heavy resources' request. So i began to think how to
		solve the problem otherwise.
		INFactory is the result.
		This program creates the installer with the correct procedure
		(I.E. Inf Language and CAB file) so the installation process is
		fully standard. Your user will note that you use NSBasic only
		if he looks to the application's file extention or its icon. 
		And..... in this case also the program is Free.
The instructions are also available as HELP file to call from the downloaded file

 And NEW       

This are the last version of the project INFactory.
It offers more flexibility allowing user to add to the intaller's packege not
only nsb and dll files but also any other kind of file as bmp, wav, htp, txt etc.
There is also a simple Reg. Keys editor and a direct interface to use the
ezsetup program to get compressed exe installers.
You do not need to know anything about Inf sintax or other but only to know
how your program have to be installed in the device (obviuosly you know 
this if you developed the program to install)
The simple beaviour of the previous version is still available using WIZARD
The program is still a BETA  


The Directory and SubDir that the selfextracting .zip files will create on your HD are
for both the programs are intended to let the program authomatically handle all the 
runtime files and/or others libraries so the first thing to do to work with the program 
is to add the requested files to this folders.