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phoenix_title BufferedPaintDC

This is a subclass of BufferedDC which can be used inside of an EVT_PAINT() event handler to achieve double-buffered drawing.

Just use this class instead of PaintDC and make sure Window.SetBackgroundStyle is called with BG_STYLE_PAINT somewhere in the class initialization code, and that’s all you have to do to (mostly) avoid flicker. The only thing to watch out for is that if you are using this class together with Scrolled, you probably do not want to call Scrolled.PrepareDC on it as it already does this internally for the real underlying PaintDC.

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for class BufferedPaintDC

Inheritance diagram of BufferedPaintDC

sub_classes Known Subclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ As with BufferedDC, you may either provide the bitmap to be used for buffering or let this object create one internally (in the latter case, the size of the client part of the window is used).

api Class API

class BufferedPaintDC(BufferedDC)

This is a subclass of BufferedDC which can be used inside of an EVT_PAINT() event handler to achieve double-buffered drawing.

Possible constructors:

BufferedPaintDC(window, buffer, style=BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA)

BufferedPaintDC(window, style=BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA)


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

As with BufferedDC, you may either provide the bitmap to be used for buffering or let this object create one internally (in the latter case, the size of the client part of the window is used).

Pass BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA for the style parameter to indicate that just the client area of the window is buffered, or BUFFER_VIRTUAL_AREA to indicate that the buffer bitmap covers the virtual area.

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self, window, buffer, style=BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA)


__init__ (self, window, style=BUFFER_CLIENT_AREA)

  • window (Window) –
  • style (int) –