>>>back                       Madonna del Popolo    Primary school 

Primary Two

Primary Two pupils have analyzed the fairy tale “Snow White and the seven dwarfs” with their teachers. Then they have acted it to parents during the end school party.

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Primary Three

Primary Three children have searched magic elements in a little village, Quarna. They have met the Lady of gnomes there. Then they have written a funny fairy tale about gnomes and created a gnomes’ recipe.

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Primary Four A/B

"A magic world"  presentation PPS

Primary Four pupils have found magic elements in traditional fairy tales and local legends, told by parents and grandparents. Later children have planned and made a board game with the fairy characters of our local tales.


Primary Five A/B

Primary Five A/B children have projected and made some puppets. Then they have written a tale about their puppets as characters. At last, pupils have described their characters in English for Maltese and German friends.


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