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John Lear (American former agent CIA - mentioned in chapter #2) supports that the aliens 
have invented the religions and that Jesus Christ has been sent from them. If this absurd 
affirmation is true, then the Greys would be controlling us from at least two thousand 
But can we truly be sure that this affirmation is so much absurd? According to me not. 
Indeed, the fact; that the God described from the Bible is an alien and Jesus Christ, his 
son, is a hybrid for half human (cause of Mary) and for half alien (cause of the Beta 
being Arcangel Gabriel?); would explain many things. As an example it would be easier to 
comprise from where the powers of Jesus derive. The healing powers (who has seen 
Spielberg's "Taken " can have a clear idea), the power to walk on water (telecinetics can 
make to fly small objects just with the force of mind, then imagine what can raise the 
force of an evolved mind of a hybrid), the multiplication of bread and fish (probably not 
difficult for who can use alien technology). Are the miracles events caused by aliens to 
give a "false proof" of God's existence? Is it possible that it is in the interests of 
the aliens to makes us believe that they are God? In order to obtain the devotion of the 
humanity, the aliens use their own medical technology to cure persons from sickness that 
we considered incurable (for our medicine) and to complete they set up ridiculous events 
like the lachrymation of statues, facts that attract many persons... 
The real God isn't for me a material figure as that one that the religions give us , the 
real God does not need to tell us his thoughts through books like the Bible or the Coran, 
cause we already know unconsciously that God exists.  The real God can't command us, 
can't tell us what we have to do and what is prohibited, for this exists the conscience 
that God has donated us. The true God does not have the right or the power to punish us 
or place limits to our creativity and freedom (see the muslim religion ...). If you want 
to know more about my religion and my vision of God then I will be happy to make a thread 
about it in the future.

Other proofs of these tricks set up by aliens that want to make us think that they are 
God or religious figures are the BVM phenomena ( Beata Vergine Maria - Saint Virgin Mary). 
With this name the chemical Corrado Malanga and the sociologist Roberto Pinotti, both 
ufologists, indicated presumed apparitions of UFO masked from mary visions (described 
in chapter #1 as entities Beta F). From one theory proposed by the portuguese journalist 
Fina d'Armanda and by the ex Jesuit Hispanic-American Salvador Freixedo alien entities 
(good for d'Armanda, perfidious for Freixedo) would introduce themselves to uncultivated 
populations in order to carry a message masked and mantled of religiosity. To this 
conclusion Fina d'Armanda and the team Malanga and Pinotti arrived by analyzing facts 
of Fatima in detail. 

In 1971 the first world war was still blooding Europe; while million persons where dieyng 
fighting, a small village of the Portugal seemed immune from the world-wide disorder. It 
was a village of the district of Leiria, near Lisbona. That village was called Fatima. 
There the Virgin Mary would have manifested to three little humble shepherds, from 13 May 
to 13 October of the same year. Witnesses, Lucia dos Santos of ten years and her cousins 
Jacinta Marto and Francisco, respective of seven and nine years. The echo of the 
apparitions have been scattered immediately, although the obstructionism of the 
autorities. To the fifth apparition of the Madonna - visible only to the children - 
were present approximately 20,000 faithfuls, to the sixth and last one approximately 
60,000. Mary appeared to the shepherds near the "Cova from Iria", a circular cove at 
the extreme periphery of Fatima, in the same point where the three children, in that 
fatidical noon of 13 May, had noticed in the sky one strange lightning, immediately 
followed by the apparition of "the beautiful Lady". She appeared like a luminous figure 
dressed of white, with at the neck a gold wrap, the head was protected by a white mantle 
whit a gilded edge. She had a dazzling face, encircled from a halo. Without entering in 
the particular of the vicissitude, already universal known and described in thousands of 
books, I want to only point out that the preferred protagonist of the contacts with the 
Lady became very soon Lucia. She seemed to manage a privileged relationship with the 
celestial figure. 

An interesting data is also that in many cases of mariane apparitions the entity shows 
initially to more people, generally children, limiting then her own sphere of interests, 
ending in order to choose only one 'elected', generally one female, like only depositary 
of the secrets. That happened also in Medjugorje, one dispersed jugoslav city where in 
1981, the 24 june (the same day of the official appearance of the UFOs in America), 
"Gospa", the Lady, appeared to a group of six boys and, separately, to other two children. 
Of the eight, currently only one, Ivanka Ivankovic, continue to have apparitions. And 
this isn't a case, the 24 june 1981, the Mary appeared first to Ivanka, only than to her 
friend Mirjana Dragicevic. Following the same script of Fatima, an unexpected flare over 
the Crnica mount appeared and than one luminous figure of a woman raised from the ground. 
It was Ivanka to  give the first alert. She exclaimed:"Look! Mary!". "What!?!", answered 
astonished her friend. And instead just the Lady would have become the protagonist of 
those apparitions that continue also now, in spite of the terrible civil war that has 
blooded the territory. The same way Mary appeared in Fatima. Witness was also the general 
vicario of Leiria. He described the apparition that way: 

"I raised the eyes and I put myself to watch. With great surprise I distinguished a 
luminous globe  that moved towards the West, moving itself slow and majestic through 
the space... Then the globe with its extraordinary light disappeared to our eyes. 
Beside us there was a child... that full of joy screamed:'I see it, I still see it! 
Now it comes down!'. After a few minutes the child started to scream again:'Here is 
she, she went up again!' And continued to scream following the globe with her eyes, 
till it disappeared in the direction of the sun... 'What do you think of that globe?' 
I asked then to a friend. 'She was Mary', he answered without hesitate. The shepherds 
in a celestial vision had contemplated the Mother of God in person; to us it has been 
granted to see the vehicle that transported her from the sky to our Serra d'Aire... "

 Also the Mary of Medjugorje appeared in a vehicle and, when the kid clairvoyants told 
the adults about the apparition, these, skeptical, answered:" Probably you have seen 
an UFO... " Perhaps. This way to think in a 'ufologic' key isn't an exclusive appanage 
of some ufologists like the former Jesuit Hispanic-American Salvador Freixedo, author 
of a book on the apparitions as UFO manifestations masked in mystical key. Also the 
mariolog Rene' Laurentin commented the facts of Medjugorje that way in 'Medjugorje 
Torino' of september 1989, "the nocturnal signs: stars and lights not identifiable 
with the asters, that have been seen and also filmed". 

Immediately after the passage of the luminous globe that "brought" the Lady from Fatima, 
from the fifth apparition, began to come down from the sky an infinitude of  white 
corpuscles similar to snowflakes. They were consistent (solid) during the fall, once 
they touched earth they became smaller and at the end disappeared. The same phenomenon 
has been studied in ufology, and renamed "the fall of angel's hair". Those are fragments 
of boron and silicon. The 27 October of the '54, after a passage UFO over Florence, it 
was possible to collect some fragments. The analysis of the professor Giovanni Canneri 
from the University of Florence revealed that it was borosilicon glass, composed from 
boron, magnesium, silicon and calcium. Phenomena of this type have been recorded also 
between November 1883 and 23 October 1973, in others 12 cities of the world, from 
Onga-Onga in New Zeland to Saint Pere, Meral, Vienne and Oloron in France, from Sudbury 
in America to Rome in Italy. In a catalogue published in the 1970 by the ufologist 
Charles Maney 17 cases between '52 and the '55 appeared. In all the cases the filament 
fall was associated to the passage of one or more UFOs. In order to explain the 
phenomenon several investigators made researches, believers or skeptics. The French 
Jean Plantier would have assumed "an alteration of the chemic proprieties of the atom 
and of air molecules caused by the ultrafast particles projected from the range of the 
UFO". French mathematician Aime' Michel would have attributed the phenomenon to the 
polymerization of air, while the Italian engineer Renato Vesco, would have explained 
the phenomenon like "residue of the combustion of the fuel of the flying saucers". It 
is like is, the angel's hairs have been noticed also after the appearance of the Lady. 
And an other typical phenomenon of the Christian miraclistic is that one of the rotary 
sun. The most famous rotary sun case was in Fatima. During the sixth and last apparition 
various persons who found themselves in the apparition place closely to this 'rotary globe' 
endured physical effects on the body. If we analyze the ensemble of these phenomena some 
constants emerge: the entities appear mostly to the simple ones or "the ones who have a 
pure spirit", mostly children and boys. And, something interesting, in the gospel of 
Matteo (Matt?-in english?)(Lk 6,20-23) the Bible says: joy to the persons from the pure 
heart, cause they will see the lord. Maybe it referred to the fact that to these persons, 
often ignorant and strongly believer (in their religion) people, come given the possibility 
to see these phenomena, because these persons will never interpret the phenomenon like 
event of alien nature? To the females often appears the Lady (Mary), to the males Jesus. 
If that could havea freudian explanation in the unconscious search of the figure of the 
"father" or of the "mother", it could mean that these entities preprefer to show the 
corresponding sex, being in the children developed the sympathy towards the same sex, 
at least until the puberty, the entities choose with cure scarcely instructed subjects, 
and therefore less conditioned by an often hypocritical official culture. The entities 
manifested in dispersed places, in small villages outside hand, desolated zones. Places 
that in a little time become goal of intense pilgrimages. Often in these situated ones, 
like happened to Kibeho or Medjugorje, later after the appearances a bloody war starts. 
One war that the entities, with their appearances, seem nearly to want to preannounce, 
trying disperately to warn the humanity. The entities manifest instantaneously and 
often give the impression of being bidimensional shapes, like the diapositives or 
the holograms projected at a distance. The entities, therefore, seem not being three-
dimensional, but bidimensional, they do not speak but they communicate by inner locution. 
The entities give a series of messages, generally always identical and all connected to 
generic punishments from the future; in order to be believed, these entities preannounce 
a "sign" in the sky; the "sign" is generally the appearance of one cross in the sky or a 
rotary sun, much similar to a UFO; the "sign" is often accompanied by heat, chromatic 
gradation probably responsible of some miracles. The "sign" of the rotary sun has a very 
precise scenic route: the 'sun' cames out from a cloud. Than there's a codified sequence: 
the "aster" begins to rotate, coming down and up by jumps, approaches and goes away. 
After the "sign", the entities ask in kind the edification of a church or the promise of 
continuous pilgrimages. The faithfuls obey blind, putting in crisis the religious 
autorities, than in some cases are forced to stop moments of collective fanatism. 
The entities seem to preprefer a subject in particular, when the clairvoyants are 
more than one. All these characteristics are found again, identical, in the 
contactism phenomena.
