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As it is by now clear to all, the aliens, in particular the Greys periodically abduct humans 
for reasons that still have to be cleared up. After having traced cases of UFO abductions all 
over the world, the ufologists have verified if such stories have been recorded in ancient 
reports. In such case we would have two possible explanations:

1) the actual abductions are the result of an ancient cultural heritage, that one of the 
'deus ex macchina', the 'God that comes down from the machine' in order to influence in 
the human fate; and therefore we have to do with a myth present in the planetary cultural 
patrimony unconscious level, myth that ripresented now rimodernized in the atomic era of  
science fiction. So the past explains the present; 

2) also in ancient history 'mysterious visitors' abducted the earthlings, but the 
explanation that our ancestors, with no scientific acquaintances, interpretated them 
with superstition or religion. So the 'abductors' became, of time in time, angels, 
or flying demons, and flying saucers became fire wagons, clouds or boats. The present 
would have explained the past. 

To the present day one answer to this enigma has not still been given. And naturally 
various currents of thought exist, that are inclined now for one now for the other 
hypothesis. Modern myth or millenarian reality, the mystery of the abductions 
complicates every day more. 
The testimonies of the past, then, are particularly difficult to analyze, since the 
versions gets confused, scientifically imprecise, and not anymore verifiable, being 
the protagonists died from hundred of years.

 Already in the roman tradition the case of Romolo, famous founder and first king 
of Rome, without warning risen to the sky and from that day 'deified' with the 
name of 'Quirino'. 
But also in the Bible we find repeatedly points that for many investigators and 
ufologists, could be explained as alien abductions. The sudden disappearance in 
sky on one cloud of the prophet Eliseo astonishes, and also the rise of Elia in 
a "celestial carriage". Like also the disappearance of the prophet Giona in the 
"stomach of a whale", shouldn't it be a so-called USO (unidentified submarine 

The greek philosopher Parmenide di Elea, in the V century B.C. (before the 
Christian era) claimed that he has been carried in the sky on a "sun carriage" 
of a "good goddess" and told to have flown on the Moon. The most beautiful 
description comes from the sumer Enkidu that, in the 'Gilgamesh's epopee', 
in the seventh tablet conserved at the museum of Baghdad, tells about its 
vision of the Earth from above: "They told me:'Look down the Earth. How does 
it appear to you? Observe the sea... '. The Earth appeared like a gruel, and 
the sea like a puddle of water". Nearly the same words used from the american 
astronauts when they observed the Earth from the Moon. 

The abductions are also present in the Indian tradition. In the 'Ramayana', 
monumental epic poem from the IV century B.C., is told the episode of the 
abduction of the beautiful Sita by the Ravana demon. Ravana had approached 
the girl in a small wood when "... the eyes were ignited with rage and the 
pacific face of Ravana changed, and took his horrible appearance with ten 
faces and twenty arms; he catched the girl, and jumped in his golden flying 
carriage, and raised in the sky... ".  And in 'Boital Pachis' they talk about 
a young woman, who has been brought in sky by a semi-god who falled in 
love:"In that moment a semi-God crossed the sky on his wagon. His look 
falled down on the woman; the carriage descended, he took her when she 
was still asleep, and brought her away. Just after the fact her husband 
awakened. Ahim, its spouse was not anymore there! 'Who abducted her?', 
he was complaining. And the pain was fatal... ". 

Even celtica mythology, developed between the 4000 and the 1000 B.C., has 
episodes of this type, like in the case of Conn, king of Ireland, who 
entrusts the corpse of his son to a mysterious "glass boat" directed 
towards the world of the Immortals from Tehra. 

And even at the antipodals of the world, by the amazonian indios Cashinava, 
it is remembered when a 'God' lead in sky many persons, imposing them to 
'change skin' (or to wear space-suits?). 

And in the Peruvian report of Guaman Poma, 'La Primera Chronic Nueva y 
Buen Gobierno', you can see that during the assault of the Spanish to the 
Inca fortress of Sacsahuaman, a high official, the great Santiago di Galizia 
has been abducted. Kidnapped and then left again in the middle of the 
battle. "... They say that they saw with their eyes to come down Mr. 
Santiago. With a strong thunder he descended from the sky like a thunderbolt, 
on the Inca fortress of Sacsahuaman. And when it fell to earth all the indios 
were scared and said that he had fallen from the sky... ". 

In the Christian theological culture the mysterious kidnappers occupy a 
relief place. The existence of not human creatures who penetrated in the 
bedrooms of the persons was already much diffused in the Middle Ages. 

Sant'Agostino, in the 'Cittą di Dio'wrote: 

"It is a diffused opinion, confirmed also from direct or indirect testimonies 
of worthy persons of faith, that sylphs and fauns, usually called 'incubuses', 
have often annoyed women, sped up and obtained relationships with them. There 
are also demons, called 'dusi' (that is elfs) from Galliums, that have used 
frequently these impure practices; everything is confirmed from numerous and 
high autorities that would be imprudent deny".

 Is it possible that the mysterious 'incubuses" (literally, "those who couch 
on the asleep") were the precursors of the modern 'bedrrroom visitors'? Is 
it possible that the credences of that era, and the insufficient technology, 
confused these visitors with hell entities?
The writer Peter Kolosimo, with regard to, doesn't seem to have doubts:"Devils, 
succubuses and incubuses are various names that, in reality indicate those that 
we call today beings of the space or extraterrestrial beings". In the reports 
of the processes to the witches from the XI to the XVII century there are 
hundreds of points about these bedroom intruders who got confused with the 
ignorance and the superstition. Between a sabba and the other, a filter and a 
potion, many witches ended in order to confess to have been 'contactated' by 
the devil just after a visit in bedroom. The english Andro Man from Aberdeen 
(1597) came regularly visited by a feminine figure, that he called 'Queen of 
the Elfin' and with which he conjoined himself, while the swedish Isobel 
Adams from Pittenweem (1670) met with a "man in black clothes", that appeared 
repeatedly in a her friend's house. To Elizabeth Knap from Groton, America, 
(1671) the devil appeared like an old, while to James Lindsay from Renfrewshire 
(1696) appeared a "black man" in front of the bed. And these encounter were just 
the beginning of a long series of experiences that today we would define ufologic.
 In a report of the witch processes in the Val di Fiemme, dated 21 January 1505, 
is told of the 'witch' Margherita from Cavalese that flow for more than a 
thousand miles over the Val mount, down to the mills, over the fountains... " and 
that, together with some accomplices, mutilated and ate the cow of a peasant of 
Moena (something of similar to the chupacabras???). 
 UFO abductions have characterized good part of the XVII century. In 1673 an 
English doctor, Alan Moore, has been brought away from "the fairies" under the 
eyes of two witnesses. The "fairies" have been considered responsible of other 
disappearances in 1691 and 1845.

 In the famous novel of Jonathan Swift, 'Gulliver's travels', a gigantic flying 
platform is moved by "a magnet" and inhabitated with "strange scietists", that 
hosted the protagonist and carried him in flight over the sky. A vicissitude 
that, for some investigators, would have the taste of the truth since Gulliver
-Swift in its novel describes meticulously the two satellites of Mars, Phobos 
and Deimos, anticipating of two centuries the actual astronomical acquaintances 
of the red planet.
