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According to many clipeologists, the most interesting testimonies about the visits 
of the 'ancient astronauts' would be found in the Bible, the holy text for million 
persons. Between the first supporters of the possibility that the Sacred Writings 
contained UFO episodes, the american astronomer Morris Jessup, author of the book 
"The UFOs and the Bible", and the soviet scientist Matest Agrest. Perhaps a sure 
number of events described in the Bible has been written truly after the visits 
of extraterrestrial astronauts to the Earth. As an example, the circumstances of 
the destruction of Sodoma and Gomorra recall to mind a nuclear explosion which 
could have been described from an observer lived in ancient times. The facts 
narrated in the apocryphal book of Enoch in the slavonic version remember a story 
of the visit to the Earth from extraterrestrial cosmonauts. The mysterious Enoch 
was a Biblical patriarch cited in Genesis (5,18), where it is written: "Enoch 
lived in all 365 years and walked with God, then he hasn't been anymore seen 
because God took him". After 3,000 years the archeologists discovered in the 
cove of Qumran in Ethiopia, some versions in amaric of the lost story of Enoch, 
the manuscripts called 'Secret books of Enoch'. In the third chapter the 
patriarch Enoch describes how he had been abducted:

"So the Angels called me, raised me to the first sky. They placed me above 
clouds; I saw the air. And they carried me to the first sky, and they indicated 
me a sea larger than Earth's sea (the space!?!?)". 

In the 'Book of Enoch", in the chapter seventy, Enoch describes his abductors:

"I saw the sons of Saints that walked on the burning fire; their clothes were 
white and their faces transparent, like crystal... ".

Like that they wore a helmet. A recurrent description in many recent stories of 
abductions. And in the coptic version of the same book, at the chapter XIV, 
Enoch meticulously describes the travel and the flying machine that had 
captured him:

 "And to me appeared the vision that way. And the winds, in the vision, made 
me fly and they carried me in sky. And I entered into a wall constructed in 
crystal, and fire tongues encircled it. And that started to fright me. I 
entered in the fire tongues and I came nearer to the Great House that was 
constructed in metal. And the walls of that house were like the mosaic of a 
pictorial table in crystal pieces. The ceiling was like the course of stars 
and the thunderbolts; and between them there were fire cherubs (angels); 
and their sky was water. And there was fire that burnt around the walls and 
the doors burned for the fire... and I saw another thing, constructed with 
fire tongues... the pavement was fire and, on it, the thunderbolt. I watched 
and inside I saw a high throne... ".

It is difficult to reconstruct what the patriarch has effectively seen. But, 
honestly difficult not to notice the similitudes of this case with the most 
modern abductions (especially Carlos Diaz' abduction). The 'crystal' of the 
rooms is extraordinarily similar to the aseptic and metalized rooms of the 
modern narrations. And the crystal mosaic and the high throne remembers a 
driving panel with seat. Honestly it is difficult to not agree that these 
'angels' have human-like, absolutely irreconcilable thoughts and behavior 
with a God. But if we attribute the nature of the cosmonaut beings from 
another planet, it could make a sense. Enoch, in chapter 4 of the 'Secret 
Books' adds:

"They had let me see the Captains and the Heads of the Orders of Stars. 
They showed me two hundred Angels that had autorities on stars and sky 
services; they fly with their wings and go around to the planets."

But all that would be null, if from the text it did not emerge something 
that makes us understand that the facts described by Enoch are the truth. 
In the chapter XXVI Enoch describes the travel around the Earth on the 
strange flying machine, noticing particularly "a Saint mount" and, under 
it, water whose flow went towards the high (XXVI, 2)". Now, there is only 
one place in the world that corresponds to this description, one Soviet 
mountain of the Azerbaigian where, for one series of optical effects, 
anything seems to go towards high. Also water. But how a Hebrew patriarch 
had arrived in the Soviet Union at that time?

 Like the radical clipeologists, I'm firmly convinced about the alien 
origin of the religions. The religions, the sacred representations, 
written or drawn, are mythized extraterrestrial events. Therefore the 
fire wagon that abducts in sky the Biblical prophet Elijah is to 
interpretate like a flying saucer; same speech for the strange machine 
seen in the desert by the patriarch Ezekiel and identified in the "God's 
Glory", for the 'whirl' that abducts Eliseo or for the whale that for 
seven days swallowed Giona, without digesting him, in that case an USO 
(unidentified submarine object). Also, the mysterious fire column (similar 
to a cloud in daytime) that indicates to Moses and to the Hebrew the way 
for the emigration remembers a cigarlikeform mother spaceship, to whose 
passage the waters of the Red sea are opened. 
The Ark of the Covenant, the terrible weapon used by Moses in order to
exterminate the enemies was in reality an extraterrestrial manufact? Or 
however a device constructed on precise indications of the aliens? Of 
this idea is the Swiss writer Erich Von Daeniken, who says itself sure, 
that in his book he reconstructs in detail the vicissitudes and the 
operation of the "propitiatory in order to speak with God". The scene 
is carried out on a sacred mount of the acient Egypt, in the peninsula 
of the Sinai, along a path whose passage is forbidden to common people. 
Knelt down to a burning thorny bush, Moses is listening to the orders 
of the God of Israel, or better, to an extraterrestrial being who 
pretends to be a God. 

"You'll make an ark of acacia wood and you will cover it with pure gold. 
And within you will place the Testimony that I will give you'" commands 
the alien. And Moses obeys. Helped from the trusted Bezaleel, and 
following exactly the indications of his God, the Hebrew patriarch  
constructs a case of 125 centimeters of length for 75 of height and 
width and covers it with the purest gold, internally and externally. 
Therefore he covers it with a golden cover, called propitiatory. Over 
it then places two small statuettes, representing the cherubs. And to 
sides of the case he embeds four rings so that this can be transported 
easily, without touching it, by inserting two poles. Inside the Ark the 
prophet places some manna collected during the desert crossing, the 
magical cane with which had been triggered the plagues against Egypt and 
separated waters of the Red Sea, and all the the Ten Tables of 
Comandaments, the tangible sign of the alliance with God. Continuing in 
the reading of the Biblical book of the exodus, you can discover that, 
from that moment, Moses imposed to his people, for the guard of the ark, 
all one series of precise and insindacable dispositions as well as many 
incomprehensible rules. The sons of Aroon will take care of the ark and 
the levites could not be approached to the ark if it had not been covered 
by the priests; during the exodus the ark case was placed in the Lord's 
curtain. Nobody could never touch it (who made it died struck by lightning 
from God). And above all, in particular moments only Moses could have used 
it in order to make appear God in throne in the space between the two 
cherubs. Once they reached the Promised Earth, the levites placed the ark 
in the sancta sanctorum, a secret cell of twenty cubituses for twenty in 
the Temple of Jerusalem. To nobody was granted to approach to the ark and 
it was shown in public only in exceptional cases. And the reason of much 
secrecy was due to the dangerous and uncontrollable power attributed to 
this object. It was said that the ark, in particular moments, was haloed 
of light and it was able to destroy thousands of persons. How could that 
happen isn't clear. But it is sure, if we lend faith to the ancient 
Biblical reports, than with the ark in their hands the Hebrew succeeded 
to destroy tens of hostile tribes met during the exodus in the desert of 
the Sinai. The Biblical report introduces a war bulletin: the lightens 
of the ark would have destroyed the armys of the ethes and of the 
gergeseis, the gebuseis and the eveis and other ten populations that 
lived in the wrap of Canaan in XIII century B.C..
 These divine thunderbolts could not be other than incinerator beams. 
In some steps the Bible imply the presence of a not better identified 
angelic killer, while in several verses of the Exodus and according to
the book of Samuel it says clearly that anyone who touched the ark died 
striked by God. As it happened to the sons of Aroon, although they were 
expert caretakers of the reliquia, and to Oza, who wanted to prevent that 
the ark overthrew during the transport, he caught it with the hands and 
died in a while. The largest victory of the ark remains the destruction 
of the city of Gerico. Regarding this episode the Book of Giosue' is 
much explicit. For order of God for six days the armys of Israel guided 
by seven clergymen who brought seven horns and the ark of the covenant, 
turned around the cyclopics bastions. "And at the seventh day, the 
bugles played, and the walls collapsed", asserts the Bible. Admitting 
the reality of these episodes, what type of explanation can we give, 
if not the easy supposition of God's help? The ark should have been 
an impressive weapon able to develop electric power. We do not have 
to forget that Moses had received from the egiptyans clergymen deep 
alchemic-esoteric slight knowledge of chemistry, such physics and 
meteorology to give reason of some of the prodigies that he made. 
The ark of the convenant could be a sort of electric strongbox able 
to produce strong discharges like 500-700 volts. The ark was made 
of acacia wood and covered with gold. With this same principle we 
build electric condensers, separated from an insulator that in that 
case was the wood. The ark was put in a dry zone, where the natural 
magnetic field catches up normally 600 volts by vertical meter, and 
it loaded itself. Perhaps its wreath was used to load the condenser. 
In order to move it the levites passed two bars in the rings, so the 
wreath worked as conductor of energy, unloading itself without danger. 
Isolated, the ark was sometimes haloed of fire beams, of flashes, and, 
if touched, it gave terrible shock. In practical it worked as the 
battery of Leyda. Thanks to these acquaintances probably of 
extraterrestrial origin (for that time!), Moses would have constructed 
a propitiatory that worked like a radio transistor. Only in this way 
the fact that Moses could speak like to a friend with God could be 
explained . When the ark disappeared isn't sure. Sure when in the 
516 B.C. prefect of Zorobabel reconstructed the Temple of Jerusalem, 
the ark wasn't anymore there. Or at least, not in obvious way, 
according to Israeli rabbi Shlomo Goren, convinced that the ark is 
currently still in the sancta sanctorum, escaped to the raids of 
the invaders. 

"It would be enough to dig in correspondence of its ancient positioning. 
- Goren declares - Unfortunately now in that zone there are mosques of 
the Muslims of Jerusalem and the religious autorities prefer to avoid 
whichever archaeological digging in order to avoid frictions with the

 Always in the Biblical text, in the Apocalypse, it is written that 
the ark will appear again in the days of the universal judgment. In 
that time God's temple will be opened again in sky and the ark of 
convenant will appear again between clouds. Erich Von Daeniken, said 
in years Eighty that the American Defense, NASA and the NORAD, were 
trying to build the "salomonic weapons", the instruments of dead using 
the Biblical descriptions. The ark in particular, re-entered in this 
top secret plan. Von Daeniken said that he visited, thanks to his own 
reputation, the secret installations of the NORAD. So the archaeologist 
would have come to acquaintance of the existance of a modern, mechanical 
and technological version of Moses' ark. And if we were indeed to the 
thresholds of the Apocalypse? If the USA were truly preparing the end 
of the world? And if it is therefore, in order which reason? Reading
the last chapter of my theory will let you understand it..... 
