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Is it true that, as declared the american Budd Hopkins in 1987, an alien race is seizing 
and manipulating human beings in the attempt to create a hybrid to insert in our planet? 
Great affirmations as this needs equally great convincing proofs. But it is really hard 
to obtain them. The american psychiatrist John Mack has recently collected in two books 
the hypnotic and psycoanalitic reports of his sittings on people who have been abducted 
by aliens. The valid job of Budd Hopkins demonstrates how the genetic protocols are usual 
on the kidnapped people, on flying saucers and also in secret bases managed from the 
not-humans (maybe also the area 51?). So Hopkins' reports have confirmed that the 
essential goal of the aliens is to intercross or to hybridate people in order to obtain 
a new type of human or alien. This hypothesis is based on 3 indications: 

1) the reports of UFO abduction often tell about biological withdrawals from the genital 
zones of the victims;

2) the kidnapped tell that the aliens have implanted them fetuses that have been later 

3) the kidnapped people describe incubators of fetuses and the presentation, to woman 
victims of one series of abductions, of a baby or a hybrid child, obtained from the 
kidnapped female. 

All these storys have been supplied in state of waking or with hypnotic regression. 
Till today, however, it is not known with certainty if there are hybrid children cared 
by earthling parents, and therefore all these facts are based only on stories. 

The genetic material taken from the kidnapped people could be used for other objectives 
than the hybribation. Some kidnapped people have said to have seen clonrd of absolutely 
human aspect, naked and inert, or however immovable. The captured genetic material could 
be used for the construction of these clones.

The fetuses observed during the abductions could have been assigned to other objectives. 
It does not have to forget that does not exist proofs that the fetuses in fact are the 
result of a crossing between aliens and humans, it is only an hypotesis founded on the 
aspect and stories told by the aliens. 

There are then ulterior indications that the fetuses are not threated with the due 
regard. Kidnapped people said to have seen deliberately destroying the fetuses in a 
sort of 'fetus hospital'. To a kidnapped person it came said that the fetus was not 
properly alive and that the genetic material would have been re-used, to another 
kidnapped person came explained that the fetuses were used in order to manifacture 
Grey workers in sight of a future time of the destruction of the Earth. They would 
have need workers lacking in emotions. 

There are various interpretations for the 'presentation of the infants' (with this 
term is indicated the moment when the aliens show to the kidnapped artificially 
inseminated woman the hybrid developed in their wombs, extracted by the aliens 
and shown to the mother with an explanation of the abduction). Many women have 
not proved affection for the infant. One of them declared to not believe that this 
presentation served to create an affective tie, how much rather to torture 
emotionally the victim of the abduction.

In order to make the things more confused, the aliens have given four conflicting 
explanations of their genetic needs: 

- the necessity to improve their decadent race; 
- the modification of the human species to survive the future apocalypse; 
- the construction of 'new beings' for the Resurrection and the return of 
  Christ, for some (idiot) kidnapped people, they would be preparing those 
  beings in order to obey to the divine designs; 
- the fabrication of clones in order replacing some individuals. 

Seen the different possible explanations, seen the contradictions that between the 
various versions proposed by the aliens is it necessary to get with great skepticism 
what they say? The testimonies "demonstrated" that the aliens take from us essences 
of different nature. There are then stories, coming from witnesses, about human 
corpses prepared like beasts from a slaughter house. If we are truly a polyvalent 
deposit of resources for the aliens, could it not be that they manipulate us 
genetically in order to modify the cattle (the humans) in order to render us more 
satisfactory? Personally I don't agree with that hypotesys, but you can see what 
I think about it in chapter #7. 

If aliens knew of geophysical catastrophes, about a destructive apocalypse of 
their "stocks", should they struggle disperately to create stocks, maybe a new 
variety of humans adapt to survive in our future world. Aliens often foretell 
about geophysical catastrophes, insisting on the altruist character of their 
intrusion. What would succeed, then, if the aliens noticed that their human 
cattle is changing in a way that they do not appreciate? Could they work in 
order to arrest this process of transformation?
