PGV's Custom utilities

As you probably know, there are many symbols in Dragonball, charachters have them on their clothes. In this section you will find Fighting schools symbols that once printed can be attached on your custom figures and can save you a lot of work by trying to write them on your own on the custom figures.


Turtle symbol

This is one of the most common symbols in Dragonball. This is Master Roshi's symbol and is worn by the people he trains. It means Turtle or Kame. We see it worn by Goku, Krillin and Yamcha.

Crane symbol

This symbol is worn by Master Crane and all his students. It translates out to the word Hok which means Crane. We see it worn by Tien, Chiaotzu, and Crane.

Piccolo's symbol

This is the symbol worn by King Piccolo, Piccolo, and Gohan. It translates out to the word Ma which means Demonic.

Shin symbol

This symbol stands for Shin which beasically means God or Guardian of the Earth. We see it worn by Kami until he fuses with Piccolo and also by Goku after he finishes his training with Kami.

King Kai's symbol

This is the symbol that we see all the King Kai's wear. It means World-King. It's actually two symbols on top of each other. The top is Kai (World) and underneath is Oh (King).

Kai's school symbol

This is the symbol that we see Goku wear during his time on Namek. He receives this uniform from King Kai after his training with him. The symbol translates to the word Go which means enlightenment.

Future Gohan's symbol

This is the symbol we see worn by Gohan in the future timeline on the back of his gi. It translates to Han which means Meal, Boiled Rice.

Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT, and all respective characters ©2000, Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei Animation.
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