PGV's Custom utilities

In this section you will find many useful advices to improve your customizing skills. Please do not resemble those advices if you are not a responsible adult. Customizing can be dangerous, I know for people who found their cutters in their eyes, for others whom superglue splitted in the eyes, for myself, that I accidentaly near cutted one of my fingers (I was lucky and nothing seriously happened, altough that time I lost some blood). When you customize wear always protective glasses and when you paint or burn plastic make a lot of air come in the room you are working. I do not consider myself responsible if you damaged your health in any way if you customize by following my custom utilities advices.


Customizing TOOLS

How to add articulation points to plastic statues (like DeAgostini or Burger King figures)

Fighting schools symbols that once printed can be attached on your custom figures

Utilities for making custom boxes

How to turn italian 12" Goku figures into Big Ohzarus for 5" series

Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT, and all respective characters ©2000, Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei Animation.
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