What's that?  ?
When the kite performs a loop, the lines, connected in a traditional way, touch each other and inevitably rub together during the maneuver. this causes the wearing down of the lines and a decreasing handling possibility. The number of loops in succession will be limited.  With our device, the kite can perform an infinite number of loops without line interlacing. Besides, with traction kites, driving and looking after wires can be troublesome, in such a case the joint is very useful.   
How is it connected to the kite?
This one sems to be the best solution: you can use your lines and just add the joint between them and jour control bar or your handles. So you can choose the best lines, the best kite and the best handles for a certain wind and then add the joint to fell free of fling as you want.
    What is it for?
Use of the joint in buggying and kitesurfing
   The most interesting employment of our invention seems to bee in the field of traction kiting (where both version with two or four lines are involved); a particular technical use could be kitesurfing (where often kites work with only two lines). As a matter of fact the possibility of doing a lot of loops without worrying  about lines, leaves you free to choose a very effective way of leading the kite. When in any point of sailing the kite is inclined to go faster then you (fig.A), and to approch the extreme border of the wind window, you can give a stike of brake to slow it down. Otherwise it is possible to perform one or more loops (fig.B), keeping high speed and traction instead of braking. These manoeuver are obviously always possibles, but with our joint they are less problematic, therefor they allow a freer and more effective flying stile. We are working on three and four lines versions of the joint, but they are more complicated.
Other advantages:

-you can do how many loops you want in the same direction. After each loop the situation is still identical to the starting one and the lines never interlace.

-It is a wonderfoul feeling not to have to worry about lines and about the number of loops.

-you don't need emergency line, the joint substitutes it.

-The joint can be useful also on land, allowing to extricate the lines, or to take off and extricate while flying.

-The lines wearing down is limited to a little tract that, if necessary, can be easily replaced.


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