Anti-twisting joint for kite lines
Italian version

last modified  4 july 2001




A revolutionary invention developed by two students of physics from Milan.
 ( Pat. pending)


What's that? What is it for??
It's a little device that, once connected to the kite lines, lets the kite revolve, preventing the twisting of the lines.
How does it work?

(It's quite simple...)

News( 12 july ): Present and future of the invention

(We are looking for people interested in the production of this new patented device...)

Do you think that kites are just toy for children? Recently kite flying grown up enormously, becaming a real sport with a great number of fans. With the supply of new materials and technologies, it is now possible to use traction kites to drag a lot of vehicles, from surf to boats and buggies. If you want to know more follow our..


let us know your opinion about our idea:
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Romualdo Grillo
Vincenzo Cotroneo