The Universe of the Four Gods Japanese Translation

The 4 gods, Seiryuu, Byakko, Suzaku, and Genbu, are the sovereign protectors of the 4 directions of Earth, East, West, South, and North. Each are in charge of a quadrant of the 28 constellations of the Heavens divided into 7 constellations. The general term of the 7 constellations located in the Southern quadrant is "Suzaku"--- So it is written here in the book of "The 7 Southern Suzaku constellations".
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
When the country is on the brink of destruction, one girl will appear opening the door of another world in order to acquire "Suzaku's" divine power.
The girl who obtains "Suzaku's" divine power shall guide the country with that power. That girl will become "Suzaku no Miko" and by her own power she must look for the "Suzaku Seishi" who have accepted their destiny from Heaven to be given the power to protect the Miko. When "The 7 Southern Suzaku constellations" are gathered, the Kounan Country sovereign protector god "Suzaku" will appear, and the Miko shall receive 3 divine powers.
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
The 7 Southern Suzaku Constellations
"Chichiri" Monk Mask
"Tamahome" Fighting Subject
"Nuriko" Court Power
"Hotohori" Emperor Sword
"Chiriko" Knowledge Child
"Tasuki" Mountain Flame
"Mitsukake" Heal Doctor
Translation by Tasuki no Miko
At the time of the Shinjuu summoning, the Miko and Seishi must focus their chi to become "nothing".
Then after the Miko recites the ritual prayer that is written, she must put this book into the flames.
The 4 quadrants of the Heavens and the 4 directions of the Earth, with deep faith, virtue, and truth, "Suzaku", protector of the South, grant us your revelations. I now speak these words. The seven constellations, revealed to Earth from the Heavens, the cause for all life that worships you. Destroy all evil here and rescue us with your divine power. I only wish you heed this. Come down to us from the Heavens and honor us with your presence.
By the Creator's voice this Suzaku book is given to the first Emperor of the Southern Kounan Country.

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko