[Real name unknown]
Birthday: May 21 (24 years old)
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Height: 175cm (Occasionally under 1m)
Bloodtype: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Family: Unknown (Seems to have had a fiancee in his teens)
Interests: Fishing
Powers: Spells taught to him by Taiitsukun (Such as teleportation and binding)
Personality: Lighthearted and philosophical

Suzaku Seishi Translation by Tasuki no Miko
His symbol appears on his right knee. He's tentatively working as a Buddhist monk but, his true identity is shrouded in mystery. Elusive, he appears out of nowhere when his allies get into trouble, saving them countless times. He is a behind the scenes leader who casually watches over and supports the openly leader types of Tamahome and Hotohori. He possesses the most versatile spells among the Seishi.  The scar on his face is the remnant of a difficult experience but he hides it behind a mask, and usually wears a smile when with others. He's always says "~na no da."

*Translation Note:  Chichiri's real name is Ri Houjun. I don't know why it's listed as "unknown" here given that Chichiri's name was revealed long before Nakago's and Nakago's real name was listed.

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko