[Bu Koutoku]
Birthday: August 26 (15 years old)
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 168cm
Blood type: B
Birthplace: Tenryou City, Sanun province, Kutou Country
Family: Younger brother Suboshi (Bu Shunkaku), parents died in a war
Interests: Musical composition
Powers: Is able to manipulate as he likes through the notes of a flute by sending his chi from his mouth
Personality: Reserved, deeply considerate, and calm

Seiryuu Seishi  Translation by Tasuki no Miko
His symbol appears on his right shoulder. The older twin brother of Suboshi. Diametrically opposite from his little brother, he's a calm personality who doesn't like conflict. Ever since his parents died when he was 9 years old he and his brother stayed at a distant relative's home and he lived only in order to protect his younger brother. Because of his deep feelings for his little brother he occasionally can also be a man of action and violent. He infiltrated Kounan Country by pretending to be Chiriko and prevented the Suzaku summoning but in the midst of getting away he fell in a river and it was unknown whether he lived or died. He hesitates fighting and suffers with internal conflicts due to his kind nature.

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko