[Real name unknown]
Birthday: November 21 (34 years old) 
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 213cm
Blood type: Unknown 
Birthplace: A penal colony in Northern Kutou Country
Family: No relatives (His mother was a criminal)
Interests: Eating human flesh
Powers: Can transform into a wolf
Personality: Ferocious and brutal

Seiryuu Seishi Translation by Tasuki no Miko
His symbol appears on his right back. He has wolf blood running in his veins, and so he can transform into a wolf. Perhaps that's why he has served Nakago ever since he was found by him in a Kutou Country village when he was in a side show circus. He thoroughly angered Nuriko fans by killing Nuriko in Tokuuran and in the end he was killed by Nakago. Such miserable circumstances and treatment wins him the prize for the most misfortunate in the "FY" world. Why was he a Seishi? He doesn't like old people's flesh so he's quite the gourmet.

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Fushigi Yuugi©Watase Yuu/Shogakukan
Translation by Tasuki no Miko