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phoenix_title Bitmap

This class creates a bitmap object, placed at the coordinates, x,y. the “Position” argument is a two charactor string, indicating where in relation to the coordinates the bitmap should be oriented.

The first letter is: t, c, or b, for top, center and bottom The second letter is: l, c, or r, for left, center and right The position refers to the position relative to the text itself. It defaults to “tl” (top left).

The size is fixed, and does not scale with the drawing.

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for class Bitmap

Inheritance diagram of Bitmap

method_summary Methods Summary


api Class API

class Bitmap(TextObjectMixin, DrawObject)

This class creates a bitmap object, placed at the coordinates, x,y. the “Position” argument is a two charactor string, indicating where in relation to the coordinates the bitmap should be oriented.

The first letter is: t, c, or b, for top, center and bottom The second letter is: l, c, or r, for left, center and right The position refers to the position relative to the text itself. It defaults to “tl” (top left).

The size is fixed, and does not scale with the drawing.


__init__(self, Bitmap, XY, Position = 'tl', InForeground = False)