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phoenix_title FloatCanvas

class_summary Classes Summary

_MouseEvent This event class takes a regular wxWindows mouse event as a parameter,
Arrow Arrow class definition.
ArrowLine ArrowLine class definition.
Bitmap This class creates a bitmap object, placed at the coordinates,
ColorOnlyMixin Mixin class for objects that have just one color, rather than a fill
DotGrid An example of a Grid Object – it is set on the FloatCanvas with one of:
DrawObject This is the base class for all the objects that can be drawn.
Group A group of other FloatCanvas Objects
Line The Line class takes a list of 2-tuples, or a NX2 NumPy Float array
LineAndFillMixin Mixin class for objects that have both a line and a fill color and
LineOnlyMixin Mixin class for objects that have just a line, rather than a fill
Point The Point class takes a 2-tuple, or a (2,) NumPy array of point
PointSet The PointSet class takes a list of 2-tuples, or a NX2 NumPy array of
PointsObjectMixin This is a mixin class that provides some methods suitable for use
Polygon The Polygon class takes a list of 2-tuples, or a NX2 NumPy array of
ScaledBitmap This class creates a bitmap object, placed at the coordinates, XY,
ScaledBitmap2 An alternative scaled bitmap that only scaled the required amount of
ScaledText This class creates a text object that is scaled when zoomed. It is
ScaledTextBox This class creates a TextBox object that is scaled when zoomed. It is
SquarePoint The SquarePoint class takes a 2-tuple, or a (2,) NumPy array of point
Text This class creates a text object, placed at the coordinates,
TextObjectMixin A mix in class that holds attributes and methods that are needed by
XYObjectMixin This is a mixin class that provides some methods suitable for use