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phoenix_title callables

Low level functions and classes related to callables.

The AUTO_TOPIC is the “marker” to use in callables to indicate that when a message is sent to those callables, the topic object for that message should be added to the data sent via the call arguments. See the docs in CallArgsInfo regarding its autoTopicArgName data member.

copyright:Copyright 2006-2009 by Oliver Schoenborn, all rights reserved.
license:BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for module callables

Inheritance diagram of callables

function_summary Functions Summary

getArgs Returns an instance of CallArgsInfo for the given listener.
getID Get name and module name for a callable, ie function, bound
getModule Get the module in which an object was defined. Returns ‘__main__’
getRawFunction Given a callable, return (offset, func) where func is the

class_summary Classes Summary

CallArgsInfo Represent the “signature” or protocol of a listener in the context of
ListenerInadequate Raised when an attempt is made to subscribe a listener to



Returns an instance of CallArgsInfo for the given listener. Raises ListenerInadequate if listener is not a callable.


Get name and module name for a callable, ie function, bound method or callable instance, by inspecting the callable. E.g. getID( returns (‘’, ‘a.b’) if was defined in module a.b.


Get the module in which an object was defined. Returns ‘__main__’ if no module defined (which usually indicates either a builtin, or a definition within main script).


Given a callable, return (offset, func) where func is the function corresponding to callable, and offset is 0 or 1 to indicate whether the function’s first argument is ‘self’ (1) or not (0). Raises ValueError if callable_ is not of a recognized type (function, method or has __call__ method).