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phoenix_title ITopicDefnProvider

All topic definition providers must follow this protocol. They must at very least provide a getDefn() method that returns a pair (string, ArgSpecGiven), or (None, None). The first member is a description for topic, and second one contains the listener callback protocol. See note in MasterTopicDefnProvider about what it returns based on the return of getDefn().

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for class ITopicDefnProvider

Inheritance diagram of ITopicDefnProvider

method_summary Methods Summary

topicNames Return an iterator over topic names available from this provider.

api Class API

class ITopicDefnProvider

All topic definition providers must follow this protocol. They must at very least provide a getDefn() method that returns a pair (string, ArgSpecGiven), or (None, None). The first member is a description for topic, and second one contains the listener callback protocol. See note in MasterTopicDefnProvider about what it returns based on the return of getDefn().


getDefn(self, topicNameTuple)


Return an iterator over topic names available from this provider. Note that the topic names should be in tuple rather than dotted-string form so as to be compatible with getDefn().