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phoenix_title topicobj

Represent topics in pubsub. Topic objects contain all information about a topic, including documentation about the topic, the listener protocol specification, the list of subscribed listeners. A Topic object for a given topic can be obtained from pubsub via pub.getTopic() or pub.getOrCreateTopic() and then used directly for subscription and publishing (though there is not often a good reason to do that, as “pub” is usually more convenient.... but there are where this could be useful or make the code easier to read or maintain.

copyright:Copyright 2006-2009 by Oliver Schoenborn, all rights reserved.
license:BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.

class_hierarchy Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram for module topicobj

Inheritance diagram of topicobj

class_summary Classes Summary

Topic Represent a message topic. This keeps track of which
InvalidName Raised when attempt to create a topic with name that is