April 18 - Tasuki's Birthday

We have several festivities planned here at the Tasuki Shrine to celebrate this very special occasion, including

Excessive drinking

Fighting contests

Halisen making

Which will come in handy for...

Flaming of the Tamahome dolls


"Sorry Tama, it WAS on purpose"

And feel free to visit the rest of the Tasuki Shrine while you're here

(A male voice chirps in):And be sure to check out the gift shop before you leave for all the finest in Tasuki merchandise!

(Tasuki no Miko):Gift shop? Since when did we have a gift shop?

(Tamahome):Tasuki t-shirts, bedsheets, dolls, earrings, trading cards, CDs, authentic replica tessens! All at low low prices!

Tasuki no Miko has a brief sweat drop moment before hurrying off to haggle over price with Tamahome on the Tasuki bedsheets

*Special thanks to Miyu-chan for the "flaming of the Tamahome dolls" idea